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longest shot by me so far


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Hello all , i have not posted for a good while and the varminting rig has been locked away for far too long,i have not use the .243 for a while as i chose to get a specific deer gun (to stop the .243 getting bashed about)and have been chasing the deer since.


i have been really missing the little bit of varminting i used to do and was getting better and better on each outing,so today i dodged the odd shower grabbed my varminting bag that has all my gear i would need and set off.


i got to the location at 2pm and set up, i set out from my bag the tarp on the ground then my roll matt to lay on ,set up the rifle and had a scan with the bins. Great i thought a pair of crows about 350yds i got the wind meter to check the wind and thats where the first problem started the wind meter has been sat in the shed for past 4-5months and the battery was dead i grabbed the range finder it started to give me the "LOW BATT" sign.


i could have kicked myself for not checking my equipment,i removed the RF battery and with plenty of rubbing between my hands and warming it up i managed to get a reading on the pair of crows that had moved and were now 428yds, i dialed in the drop then estimated,guestermated,judged and hoped i had the wind right at 4mph and dialed it in.


i got comfortable behind the rifle and watched the crows for a little while a bit apprehensive at taking the shot as i have not use the Sako for the past 4-5months and was worried that everything would be off kilter (i dont know why)and gun all over the shop. i took a deep breath and gave the trigger a little caress i felt the gentle recoil from the .243 and watched as the crow gave a puff of feathers and fell over dead, i was chuffed to bits.


there was nothing moving so i then shot a couple of small mole hills and a peice of plastic at ranges from 350-450yds and got hits or very close glances, my wind estimating /guestermating seemed good. all of a sudden i could see with my eyes somthing moving a long long way off checked with the bins and could see a magpie. i had a check with the rifle scope and it was a good way off , so with plenty of battery rubbing i got a distance of 644yds with the RF i was unsure at taking the shot as i have never shot at anything this far out (my tables only go to 650yds) and this this will be my 6th shot of the day with a gun i have not fired for a long time. i dialed in the range the wind seemed the same at 4mph took a deep breath and looked at the magpie through the scope, my god it looked small.


i gave the trigger a little squeeze and sent the bullet on its way i honestly believed i had missed as i wasnt used to the time of flight of the round at this range and it seemed to take an age, the next thing i am seeing is the magpie flopping forward and a splash of earth coming up behind the bird, i was amazed i had hit the magpie at this range its the longest shot i have ever taken 644yds . i know its not long shot compared to plenty on here but i was chuffed.


sorry i did not take any pics as the camera battery as you can guess was flat as well,the .243 is coming out a lot more as i have set myself a little bench mark, new batteries now in all the eletronic stuff and cant wait untill i go out again.


hope you enjoyed the read.....neil

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Guest richness

Immense shooting mate. I really felt your excitement - What you describe here is what it is all about for me. :D

I've never shot a magpie that far; they are so small (and wary) and i'm chuffed if i get one at any range, especially that far! ATVB Richard

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Very Good shooting there especialy having not used the rifle for a while 644 yds on a magi aint a easy shot a shot i would be proud of

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Guys thanks for all the replies ,boosted the old confidence a good bit. I am now well set up to go out lots of ammo made up new batteries in all electronic stuff and spares in rucksack , one small problem tore the ligament and other stuff in the knee put me back a couple of months.


on the bright side more time to save up for a better RF .....Neil

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well done :D keep it up :)

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