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Posts posted by geek

  1. 1 hour ago, baldie said:

    Folk do use 150 with 140 grain bullets, I've always thought it a little fast, unless you have a short barrel. I've long used 150 with 123 grain bullets in the creed however.

    160 works very well with the heavier bullets. Its the go to favourite in the 260 rem with heavies, the creed is not a lot different.

    I use N160 (41.5) using Lapua 139s, in my (son shoots) Ruger PR (24" barrel). Getting approx. 2614 ft/s and no problem operating the electronic targets at 1000 yards. Yes, I could load no powder, but haven't felt the need.

    For reference using N160:

    41.0 - 2574 ft/s

    40.5 - 2554 ft/s

  2. "I don't care about the nonsensical arguments about "democracy ",  what an appalling statement.

    I didn't vote for Tony Blair in 1997, I didn't get another vote because I didn't like the result  - leave means leave!

    If there was another vote (and there shouldn't be), if it's still leave, what then? another vote until certain people get the result they want or is it best out of 3 (or 5) or first to 3 (or 5)? We voted leave and that means leave (WTO applies).

  3. 31 minutes ago, ds1 said:

    I hope Boris gets a majority ( a substantial one) and a reasonable form of Brexit is delivered. Anything else would be a betrayal of the referendum. This is not particularly good for me as a Brit living in Europe but for me principles come before my personal gain or comfort.

    Corbyn, a total terrorist supporting bawbag, beggars belief how anyone could vote for that.....for example:


    I too hope that Boris gets a (very) large majority, leave means leave (there has always been a deal available, it's called WTO!). 

  4. 10 hours ago, DaveT said:

    There is a LOT more to worry about with comrade Corbyn than just taking our guns away.

    I would agree. Why anyone who owns more than the clothes they are stood in would vote for Corbyn (the terrorist sympathising communist) and the lefty bunch of clowns is beyond me - I wouldn't trust Labour (Lib Dem, Green etc.) to run a bath!    

  5. On 12/8/2019 at 6:16 PM, Humphrey106 said:

    Do you have to aim under below 50m?

    No, at 50m I place the crosshair of the reticle on the centre of the target only adjusting for windage either by adjusting the scope of 'aiming off'. 

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