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varminting abroad


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125F!!! :wacko: :wacko:

Us Kiwis can't even begin to imagine that- 95F is about the worst we have here. I experienced just over 105 on a recent Route 66 m/cycle trip and that was bad enough, felt like a grease blob. Can't imagine how you can shoot accurately in those temps.




We had auto thermometers on out rests that ranged up to 160F and they would regularly get over 120F while shooting. It was more of a challenge to keep your poise while waiting for the shot. In that alfalfa stubble in the pic with my son (that was 2004) the squirrels would pop up, drop, pop up again and so on. You'd have to stay on the scope for upwards to 30 minutes to wait out the shot, all the time sweating like a steer in a butcher shop.


The small target aspect of varminting appeals to me as well. When PMI comes up here he brings his 20 Tactical, but the most fun we have is parking ourselves on a sage-brush covered hillside bagging prairiedogs that tried to hide in amongst the sage. Most times we'd locate a barking dog by just seeing an eye and a brow peeking over a mound surrounded by sage. The shots weren't far, 50 to 150 yards typically, but the targets were tiny; often requiring threading a bullet between the brushy limbs of the sage, and fighting that Devil Wind. We use Hornets for that game.~Andrew

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I had to show a "hunting licence" - no such thing in UK of course, so prior to my first trip I got (for the first time in my life) a Game Licence, now defunct of course, which proved perfectly acceptable.

Regards, Tony


Don't forget the game licence is still required in scotland so you could always get one from there on a trip if you wanted to follow Tony's example.

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Don't forget the game licence is still required in scotland so you could always get one from there on a trip if you wanted to follow Tony's example.


No license required in Montana for non-game species. When I was stationed in California I had to pay $118 a year to hunt those groundsquirrels!~Andrew

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