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Copper Solvents

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I have used pretty much exclusively M Pro7 for the last two years and resorting to Shooters choice occasionally when necessary, until that is , last week.




I was running low on M-Pro7, so started to look at re-supply or alternative product and saw some very good comments on Wipe Out, so decided to try it.



I am, to say the least impressed.


I bought three bottles of their solutions -


Carb Out - a carbon remover.


Accellorator fluid - a liquid applied to the bore to speed up the copper remover.


Wipe Out - copper remover.



I started off by trying the product on a clean gun (as recommended by the sales bumf)


I saw carbon and copper after using the products as per the instruction - not much mind, but it was there nevertheless.


Once the blaser was clean, I then cleaned the 338.


I borescoped the barrel first and saw there were streaks of copper in places on one or two grooves.


So I used the Wipe Out produts as per instruction using patches only - no brushes, no scrubbing.



The barrel came clean in thirty patches over a period of 12 hrs - yep may be a long time, but I wanted to see how good the stuff is at removing fouling.



Basically, I applied the product and left it to do its own work instead of using physical agitation (scrubbing) which, will harm the barrel over time.



I am at Warcop tomorrow and will see if accuracy has improved (if thats possible) and more importantly, how much fouling comes back and how easy it is to clean from the now "shiny" bore it has now.

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I dont have the accelerator but if I am using Wipeout I tend to leave it in for a hour or so or for an end of autumn clean before being pout away for the winter then overnight.


A friend of mine who builds a high quality rifle uses PLUS GAS mixed with Hoppes No9, he leaves it in permanently and patchs out before use.



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