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furthest fox with my mckillop rifles .20 tac

Guest Scotland Rifles

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Guest Scotland Rifles

Well i have had some good fun with the .20 and my furthest charlie was 220yards.


last night i was out with a mate who runs a .222 tikka. and he was very keen to see the .20 in action, so off we popped to my local shoot for some bunny bashing,


well after about 1 hour we had enough of the bunny work so we headed of to another shoot about 15 miles down the road, on arrival we seen some eyes in the headlights but thought it was the normal fox we see who does not hang around once he sees any type of light, so we sat up with the call running at low level but after about 10 minutes ? nothing,


Then we seen what can only be told as the brightest peepers we had seen for ages, A FOX CUB and big as you like to we thought, but it was way over on one of the other farms fields, we could not get it to come close enough for the shot with the call so we tried the polystyrene on the side window and it started to approach, slowly slowly to start with then it can in with a gallop,


Over the dividing road and into the field we where sat in, but would you Adam and eve it it just sat on the edge of the field and would not come in, my mate at this time said


! do you think the .20 can reach from here,


I said i have set it up 1" high at 100 so you will have to adjust it Darren,


Lets have a go then Bob.


out came the .20 some light squeaking on the window but still no movement.


So light on,


click fizz bang and THUD a nice report back from the target end and it was done,


Off we went to see what we had just lumped, and it was a small dog fox, looking a tad big for this years cubs but you never know,


anyway the result of the 40gr Vmax was just what the doctor ordered,


297 yards from the truck window to the strike point, what a result for such a wee bullet,


now i will have to beat this as its my rifle :(;)




sorry about no pictures but i share the family camera with a wife 2 girls and a collie sheltie cross,


:( i got told off the last time i took some as the girls seen them when i forgot to delete them from the memory card,

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Guest Scotland Rifles
Nice one buddy those 20 cals dont half pack a punch

ATB Andy


Hi Andy, you are not wrong mate.


Darren, the lad that took the shot was well happy with it,


i did ask him did he hold over, and he said i aimed just on top of its head, and it hit it in the throat, taking out the upper spine and lots of flesh with it.



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297 yards from the truck window to the strike point, what a result for such a wee bullet,


now i will have to beat this as its my rifle :(;)




sorry about no pictures but i share the family camera with a wife 2 girls and a collie sheltie cross,


:( i got told off the last time i took some as the girls seen them when i forgot to delete them from the memory card,

Great account Bob, thanks, nice shooting too. The bullet might be wee but I've used its .224" 40gr equivalent for years, and it knocks them down just fine. Next time, take the camera and the collie sheltie cross with you - he can take the pictures..

Regards, Tony

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Guest Scotland Rifles
Nice shooting. Out of interest...what is it in these .20 tac's that goes fizz?!? :(


Hi Oly.


the fizz is the primer.


click = safety off


Fizz = primer


Bang = powder


Thud = the strike on Target we hope.



Great account Bob, thanks, nice shooting too. The bullet might be wee but I've used its .224" 40gr equivalent for years, and it knocks them down just fine. Next time, take the camera and the collie sheltie cross with you - he can take the pictures..

Regards, Tony


Hi Tony


I am Out tonight so i will take cozzy the collie x with me, and my works camera.



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Hi Oly.


the fizz is the primer.


click = safety off


Fizz = primer


Bang = powder


Thud = the strike on Target we hope.


Geez, your hearing must be good...unless your burning some super slow primer/powder combo's!! :( BTW you missed the:


Snap = Trigger Mech (hopefully no Creak = Creap...or the Shooters Aching Joints!)


Ping = Firing Pin Spring


Thwack = Firing Pin Striking the Primer


This is great, it's just like good old Batman sound effects!! ;)

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Guest Scotland Rifles
Geez, your hearing must be good...unless your burning some super slow primer/powder combo's!! :( BTW you missed the:


Snap = Trigger Mech (hopefully no Creak = Creap...or the Shooters Aching Joints!)


Ping = Firing Pin Spring


Thwack = Firing Pin Striking the Primer


This is great, it's just like good old Batman sound effects!! ;)





you should have heard some of the stuff said at the Royal Armoured Corps Schools Gunnery Wing, it was great, and even way back then someone mentioned the batman movies.



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Hi, I use a 204 ruger (like it alot).I also enjoy going & sitting for charlie before dark,I"ve been getting more long range shots.Had a carrion crow @ 379yds, vixen @304yds(this took 2 shots 1st slightly low in chest)and dog fox @282yds.Fortunately I have been doing alittle practice at 300yds mostly for those carrion crows that think they"re out of range!!. Keep on promoting the .20"s ATB

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Guest Scotland Rifles
Hi, I use a 204 ruger (like it alot).I also enjoy going & sitting for charlie before dark,I"ve been getting more long range shots.Had a carrion crow @ 379yds, vixen @304yds(this took 2 shots 1st slightly low in chest)and dog fox @282yds.Fortunately I have been doing alittle practice at 300yds mostly for those carrion crows that think they"re out of range!!. Keep on promoting the .20"s ATB



Hi Toads


good shooting mate.


i got the 20tac to fill the gap from the 17 to the 243, i will be out tonight or tomorrow with the .243 running 70gr blitz kings and the 20 running 40gr vmax's.


keep it ging.



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Guest Scotland Rifles
good shooting bob not spoke to you in abit. how you keeping ?


good i hope and the family :ph34r:



Hi Jamie


alls well here mate, i have sent a e-mail to the moderators on the BBS to see whats happening, but no reply,


been very busy up and down the country mate, been to my home land for a week, Florida for 2 weeks and then over to Belfast for a few days,


seems all is well here, still got a few things to shoot at and a fare bit of land to di it on, so it can't be that bad,


hope you and the family are all in fine fettle too.


just got the sako quad .22/17, the .20 tac and the .243 deer rifle.



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Hi Jamie


alls well here mate, i have sent a e-mail to the moderators on the BBS to see whats happening, but no reply,


been very busy up and down the country mate, been to my home land for a week, Florida for 2 weeks and then over to Belfast for a few days,


seems all is well here, still got a few things to shoot at and a fare bit of land to di it on, so it can't be that bad,


hope you and the family are all in fine fettle too.


just got the sako quad .22/17, the .20 tac and the .243 deer rifle.





got all bases covered now then bob.


i just got the little 22lr for rabbits

222 for vermin fox and deer

and 22/250 for the same.


just swapped the conquest onto the 222

and got a victory for the 22/250


all is going well. looking forward to the crops getting cut in the coming months now

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Guest Scotland Rifles
got all bases covered now then bob.


i just got the little 22lr for rabbits

222 for vermin fox and deer

and 22/250 for the same.


just swapped the conquest onto the 222

and got a victory for the 22/250


all is going well. looking forward to the crops getting cut in the coming months now



nice one mate.


still have the swaro on the .243 but want a varimag for fox and deer, 4/12 50 ?? or a wee bit bigger, but i can.t find a nice priced vari mag for sale anywhere.



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nice one mate.


still have the swaro on the .243 but want a varimag for fox and deer, 4/12 50 ?? or a wee bit bigger, but i can.t find a nice priced vari mag for sale anywhere.




yes scope prices seam to be going up. even the secondhand scopes. should have kept the conquest bob

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