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Some bit of snow at last!!


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You lads have been making me envious what with your Foxing pictures in the snow!!!! :D

Well in the late afternoon here in Cornwall the snow had started to fall :D:D

The only bugger with this , is it will mean i will be busy salting the roads , so i was not on call so i gave bobtail a call to arrange a foxing trip out in the snow!! :D

I picked up Chris up from his home and by now there was a light coverage of snow!!

So off we went and the good thing was, when i was driving, that there were not many people out , so rock on with the 4 wheel drive!! :D

We arrived at the first farm where a butcher has been having problems with Foxes after his poultry!!

So we entered a good vantage point ( there was a light dusting of snow now ) and i got set up with the 6PPC and the 58 V-maxs!!

Chris started to call and after 10 minutes we had a Fox come in to about 100yds and i Dispatched him with a neck shot!!

Turned out to be a sizable dog Fox!!

We did see another Fox but that one was soon gone!!



We went to another 2 farms and seen nothing but by now the snow was coming down pretty thick!!!!

So there you are lads , i am not so envious now :D and we had a great evening and another great memory!!! ;)

Thanks as always Chris for bringing them in and your great company!! ;);)

All the best..............


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Thanks fellas!!! :D :D

The snow makes the countryside that more pretty!!!! ;) ;)

All the best............


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Thanks lads for your comments!!! :):(

As for being careful in what i wish for ratty me mate , more snow means more overtime for me out gritting the roads!!! :D :D

Be careful out there on the roads my dears!!

All the best..............


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