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Alpha mag problems

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During the RBL shoot I had a 'funny' with my 7mmSAUM and it's magazine!


The action is a Bat and up till now has functioned well with the 300WSM Alpha mags.


On the line I inserted the mag and started shooting, about 6 rounds into the stage the rifle 'locked up', the bolt sticking half open, the magazine could not be removed. With some jiggling the blot closed and the mag came out but the feed lips were pushed over to less than .223 size, the round underneath beith well trapped.


Here is the damaged mag one the left next to a wroking version:




I'm trying to figure what happened?


closer inspection of ther two magazines shows they are different, the working mag (which on reflection i've use most of the time!) has three deep ridges running top to bottom both sides, the duff one does not and there is a lip at the top rear of the good mag with the diff one being flat.


Any comments or ideas please?


also while talking magazines, anyone have experaince of removing the doubler in AISC's mags, night look at making 5 rounders for the 7mmSAUM from 10 rounder 308's.


Any other 7mmSAUM mags out there that fit a SA AISC's?




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Terry surprised you didn't mention this issue last night. I ran .308 alpha mags with great success yesterday. All 4 performing flawless.


I would get bending the feed lips and experimenting. I'm sure you will be able to rectify the issue. Just goes to show that practice makes perfect. Just imagine if your rounds wouldn't chamber. Now that would be frustrating :D

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It was not the fact that they did not work - it was what happened to fold the lips in so much.


As for rounds not chambering - real basic newbie reloading error - don't see that much these days though! :) LOL



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Did the mag somehow seat higher up and the lips got deformed from the bottom of the bolt? Or did it receive an upward blow that deformed the lips on the underside of the action? Any witness marks on any of the parts?

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