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first night out with the drone pro.

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So finally got all my bits sorted for the drone today and i zeroed it at 120 yards on the 17 hh , I headed out to a farm where the rabbits are causing bother, first one i coul;d see clearly at 110 yards fired down he went, so i returned at half 11 tonight , started up the pro and started droping rabbits , shot 11 in total then my colostomy bag gave up so i started to pack up as i was leaving the farm i saw a pair off eyes walking down a green hill to my right scrambled to get the rifle out and loaded there was charile sitting out where i had cleaned the rabbits , 25 grain v max to the neck job done,


Great night out and i cant say how much i am impressed with drone , its worth mentioning this is the fox i have been trying to get for the past month.

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Nice 1 , its inevitable that you'll catch up with em in the end

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