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A massive thank you to UKV and UKBRA members


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Hi All


I would like to thank all the Benchrest shooters and forum members for their personal support this weekend.


As some of you may know my Father was admitted to hospital on Friday morning with a suspected heart attack. He is an active benchrest shooter and was due to shoot at Diggle this weekend.


I went and saw him and he really didn't look well, but he was absolutely insistent that I went and competed, so I did.


The UKV and UKBRA members heard about this and were massively supportive for which both my Father and I are humbled and touched.


Good news is I didn't shoot the Egg shoot today and came home and went to see "the old man" in hospital, the doctors are now convinced that they got it wrong and it wasn't a heart attack, not sure what it was, but even better he is back home tonight.


I am not normally one to do things like this, but a lot of people have been asking about my Dad, so I thought I would let them know and also pass on thanks from my Dad and I for all your support.


The UKBRA and UKV certainly are a happy family, Dad is eager to get back on the range.


Many thanks



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good to hear that Bruce-bit less to worry about-



you would have struggled today at the egg shoot :P some good shooting and 2 eggs scrambled.im sure mr.B [EGG 2] will give a report,

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