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Bloody drop off,s????


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Our main farm that we shoot on is shot every week,, and believe you me when a fox moves in his stay is very limited to say the least,,,


Now last night we had only just got into the land-rover and we had five foxes in the lamp within three fields,,,,,,


Two came within range and were promptly dispatched,,,, One was that small i had to look twice as it was only as big as a cat,,,


The three others were not behaving properly??, it seemed like they did not know were to go,, if you know what i mean,,,,,


Looks like the white van people have been at it again????,


And they think that they are doing good bringing city foxes out into the country and letting them go,,,,,,,They should be prosecuted for cruelty to animals,,,,,


My rant over



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We also get a lot of this going on down my part of the world, I would have to delve into my shooting diary's but I recall it was nearly 40 we shot in a week, and 11 in 20 mins when we first got into them.

All I can say it does boost your numbers up very quick lol.

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Mange? Had this problem with a pest controller on a military shoot I once belonged to. All the released one where in a terrible state with mange and deserved to be dispatch on scene not trapped and released onto some one elses pouts. Hope you catch them doing it

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I have two farms I cover which I am 100% border a "drop off" spot for urban foxes. Can be a pain in the arse with he farmer constantly on the phone, have never known a more than a couple weeks go by over the last year or so without them popping up in groups of three-four uncertain of what todo when their mates drop to the sound of a rifle. Keeps the eye in F2N as long as you get them cleared up sharpish before they find their feed and start causing damage!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

We had the same problem on a farm we used to shoot on. They used to drop town foxes off on the farmers land causing the farmer problems. Every weekend when out shooting we would shoot at least two foxes. while out lamping we have shot six in one night on two fields. Next to the farm is a retirement home where the foxes would regulary get fed by the residents. The farm land was sold for green waste, so no longer shoot on that land. I dread to think how many foxes are on there now........we really loved that farm.

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We had the same problem on a farm we used to shoot on. They used to drop town foxes off on the farmers land causing the farmer problems. Every weekend when out shooting we would shoot at least two foxes. while out lamping we have shot six in one night on two fields. Next to the farm is a retirement home where the foxes would regulary get fed by the residents. The farm land was sold for green waste, so no longer shoot on that land. I dread to think how many foxes are on there now........we really loved that farm.


"Reynard's Rest" in peace,too! Evolution by the back door.



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I'm not uinderstanding why it is a problem with city folks bringing you live targets. I wish someone would drop off problem animals tha t Joe farmer would ask me too come and help with the "problem"


This time of year a fox dumped in the middle of know where so to speak, hungry with lots of tasty new born lambs knocking about the fields is only going to cause problems. Yes they can be easy to sort out but by the time the farmer notices the losses and the fox gets a well placed bullet into the chest the damage has all ready done!

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I'm not uinderstanding why it is a problem with city folks bringing you live targets. I wish someone would drop off problem animals tha t Joe farmer would ask me too come and help with the "problem"

thats the thing to some people they are a real problem,i know what your saying wish there were more foxes round my farms but people with live stock or pens full of birds have different views

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