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Cheeky Bloomin foxes


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Was sat at work today at about 4.30pm. It was hosing down with rain and as I looked out the window a fox trotted straight down the carpark and out the gate!! We have seen one occasionally in the security camera recordings but that was a bit much!!


Then, just now, my mate has texted me. He just pulled into the drive of his house and there was a fox on the lawn!! We have been looking high and low around his farm recently and apart from a brief glimpse of eyes there has been no sign!!! Needless to say it legged it. (to put this in context there have only been 2 foxes on the farm all year)


Bloomin foxes.

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Thing that used to bug me was me and my mate would of been out lamping all night maybe had one or two or just caught a few eyes, then id go drop him off early hours of the morning near a town and we would see more foxes in that 20 mins drive than we did all night. :mad:

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I have often yearned for a "law" to let me just tour about and shoot. The number of times foxes pop across the road when we are going too and from is unreal. It would be fantastic to lamp EVERY field you pass. But on your own lawn is outrageous!!!

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Yes it does take the p*ss sat on your own lawn ha. But when i was dropping my mate off and there walking down the paths like dogs, biggest p*ss take one night one was sat on the path watched us drive by then in my mirrow i watched it stand up and cross the road it new just when it was save, i did have to laugh :lol: shame i couldnt get the truck in reverse quick, that would of taught it a lesson ;)

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Suspect the rain may have flooded some out of lower lying dens?



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Went out tonight, full moon, no good at all, even had 2 hrs in a high seat, nowt. I never seem to do well with anything other than a dark cloudy night with some wind but no rain. Any thoughts on conditions? You'd think that a still night would allow foxes in the next valley to hear your call.



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In my experience conditions do make a difference. To be fair though I have had some of my best nights on clear moonlit nights. In every case though I had to abandon the vehicle and keep calling to a minimum. I think it is too easy to forget how well they see in the dark and I suspect a vehicle glints and shines terribly in full moonlight. I usually get camoed up and keep to the shadows. Movement kept to a minimum too when a fox is about.

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Dalton area is flooded as bad as it has for 12 years or so. At one point there was only the dual carriageway open across the swale. Dalton bridge has been closed for 4 days now and there is a wagon stuck in the middle of the flood.


There will be hundreds af acres of land under water. I assume there are flood defenses for York that are still closed until York is safe. I suspect our floods will go rather quickly when they let them out

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Dalton area is flooded as bad as it has for 12 years or so. At one point there was only the dual carriageway open across the swale. Dalton bridge has been closed for 4 days now and there is a wagon stuck in the middle of the flood.


There will be hundreds af acres of land under water. I assume there are flood defenses for York that are still closed until York is safe. I suspect our floods will go rather quickly when they let them out


That's me goosed for a while then. Anyone got some knitting needles they don't want?

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  • 3 months later...
Thing that used to bug me was me and my mate would of been out lamping all night maybe had one or two or just caught a few eyes, then id go drop him off early hours of the morning near a town and we would see more foxes in that 20 mins drive than we did all night. :mad:

i regularly look out my bedroom window in the morning when i get up for work and see foxes walking down my street without a

care in the world i must see two or three a week :)

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