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Stealthcam Pics


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Two photos of earlier tonight with the stealth camera



The bait was staked down in the first but it looks like the brock in the photo pulled the stake out with the bait




Same location half an hour later.You can just see a small pair of eyes upper left of the badger.This is a fox cub looking out of a hole behind a slight dip on the field.You can see the contour easier in the first photo



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Its the Recon Outdoors Talon although I think that most of the stealth cams coming on the market are very similar spec.


Although its only 1.3 meg the pictures are good enough for my needs.It records the photos on removable compact flash so I just plug it in the PC to see the results


The main advantage is the invisible " no flash no dash" illuminator so the target doesn`t even know the cameras there



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The photos were taken a few yards away from where we couldn`t get a shot at that one on the valley when you came out with me.Just behind where we ended up trying Garys ATec mod if you remember :rolleyes:


Obviously that was one of the parents of the litter in the photo



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The brock was about 25 feet away but the makers claim 40 feet which was probably the distance the fox is on the photo.


The camera has a red laser to help setting up so you can get your perceived action zones pretty accurate.


As well as still shots theres also a video option which I haven`t explored yet



I`m just about to set up again so hopefully should have some more photos over the next few days



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Although its only 1.3 meg the pictures are good enough for my needs.It records the photos on removable compact flash so I just plug it in the PC to see the results


I have been looking at them on US e-bay and I was thinking that 1.3 meg would be fine for our use and there for not too expensive.


Thanks for that.



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The brock was about 25 feet away but the makers claim 40 feet which was probably the distance the fox is on the photo.


The camera has a red laser to help setting up so you can get your perceived action zones pretty accurate.


As well as still shots theres also a video option which I haven`t explored yet

I`m just about to set up again so hopefully should have some more photos over the next few days



You've shot them all now :blink::blink:

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