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First cubs.


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i shot a milky vixen last night called in with a foxpro caller from a overgrown banking that has had cubs in it for the last 4 yrs [1st fox with the caller]only recieved it thursday morning from stevienicknacks the fox has been seen several times coming and going in the last 2 weeks so i thought this is a good time to test the foxpro,any ways i phoned a good mate who has terriers this morning to tell him to go check the banking ,he did this afternoon and found 4 cubs ,in his mind at least 3 weeks old.so first cubs. this fox was on land that has a lot of lambs so had to be disposed of.

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Me and my shoot buddy were out one night while I was home in Jan didn't see anything, when I pulled into a car park near a KFC to drop him off at his car, 2 fox cubs 1/4 size ran out in front of us playing with each other..this was Jan this yr..way early.

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It's the barmy weather, last Saturday night I got a call saying a pair were seen and making plenty of noise on a fell farm and both were duly dealt with whilst getting jiggy! Yet on Sunday night not 3miles away on a different holding I got a dog fox using a hare distress at 110yyards and about 10min later a vixen which was full of milk and cubs and just about to pop, I shot a vixen heavy in cub and a barren one on that same holding 2 weeks earlier! Simon

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maybe it is the milder winters that are getting then mating earlier i also think availability of food is a big factor like most animals in nature they time there new born to coincide with the natural foods they rely on being available a lot of my land has shooting on or poultry or various food sources so numbers are constant.

mickey-KFC near me you can sit in the car park and watch the foxes sniffing round dont think a .22br going off would get me any brownie points!

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mickey-KFC near me you can sit in the car park and watch the foxes sniffing round dont think a .22br going off would get me any brownie points!


Same here mate..pub one side KFC other oh and a garage and large shopping complex..just sit and watch.

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I have seen about half a dozen earths showing signs of cub activity, and only the other day I removed a vixen and litter of cubs from under a bowling green shed.


As spud said they get earlier each year, no shortage of food in built up area's so their numbers just keep increasing!


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hi gary

out of interest what call did you use on the foxpro? i been finding the vixen on heatand rabbit distress very good shot 16 since christmas on these cals alone

ta mark

TAFFY-sorry for the late reply-i used the young rabbit distress and the mouse distress steve who i bought the unit said these were very good and as i only got it that day didnt have alot of time to go through the calls i did try the lightning jack it sounds like a very disstresed hare getting its nuts cut off with a blunt knife this brought another in on another farm but as soon as the lamp went on it -bye-bye!im waiting until next week to give it a real whirl but to be honest i usually stop in february until may unless i get a phone call to go out.it will get tested proper when theres some cubs about and i use the nv.

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