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troublesome fox


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got a call last night from a farmer friend who said 4 of his chickens been done by fox so i went down to farm about 9pm the way i shoot this farm is by means of ambush he sets tractor up in a certain position and i wait using Ranger NV to spot the fox to appear they always seem to use same route so pretty easy to ambush always on the way to chicken shed i then mounted the .20tac and rest it on the back of the tractor seat the fox was 170yrds yrds away switched the lamp on and goodnight troublesome fo021.jpgx the 40grn V-max in the engine room and one happy chicken farmer.

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Hi Dave ya really made up with rifle shooting very well and accurate gone through a few scopes though but beleive it or not quite happy with new cheap scope nikko sterling 6-24-50 not bad at all for money traks well and return to zero and decent glass not a bad foxing scope

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