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Everything posted by JCalleja91

  1. Nice.. based on that I may have to invest in one!
  2. For Sale: Magpul Bipod FDE for Picatinny (Brand New In Box) Price: £120 posted. PayPal G&S only. This was won as a prize and I was going to keep it for if/when I get a .22lr, however I figured I could put the money to use now. Is for sale elsewhere.
  3. Let me know what you think! And too get the thread back on topic.. my AT looks different to the last time i posted it on here. Image links through to my shooting instagram if anyone would be so kind to give it a follow 🤙
  4. Yeha I guess the Wiebad one will probably never fail hence the price compared to the Hoptic USA one which I guess is meant to be a little more expendable.
  5. Yeah I used the wife's hairdryer on it for a good while.
  6. Do you have the Hoptic USA one? If so i have that too and it does seem.. temporary.. albeit its lasted a year or so so far it does show signs of coming unstuck.
  7. Yeah I'm not a fan of the AX. Agree with the aesthetics of the AT. Iconic!
  8. I thought it was confirmed at Shot Show this year that the AT was going to be discontinued?
  9. I am 😉 I want a long action at some point. Will probably look elsewhere than AI for that as I couldn't afford an AXMC. Shane they didn't do an ATMC.. that'd have been the dream!
  10. I have just purchased one. What do you want to know? Really easy to set up! I was quite impressed with the video quality. The only thing I've found as a negative so far is that the caps that screw on top over the Focus and ports are a bit fiddly. https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSL7r4Kl_N/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= ^^image won't embed
  11. I love my AT.. but seeing all these AT-Xs makes me want one 😍
  12. I mean depending on the brand and the ease of removing the barrel you could just do that. But generally I do nothing.
  13. Yes. Or if you're an NRA Member with some experience already in PRS. The training days are well run and once the basic safety things are covered there's plenty of positional shooting and usually a mini match.
  14. For anyone who's interested, I've started a Instagram and YouTube channel to document my journey into PRS (and probably other shooting too). I would appreciate a few likes, follows, subs etc. Insta: https://instagram.com/restdayshooting?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM= YouTube: https://youtube.com/@restdayshooting
  15. Depends on what injuries you're intending to treat. If you're talking from a paper cut to a gunshot wound then it can get quite extensive. For gunshot wounds I'd say minimum is a pressure bandages and tourniquets. Then get some training (assuming you haven't got any). Then you're into the realms of: Chest Seals Haemostatic Agents like Celox OP Airways
  16. Ah... Good sport! I usually use Facebook for that though 😅 Albeit I have just seen someone saying that a morning shoot at Bisley has gone up to nearly £100... So a whole days PRS shooting for £100 seems quite good value I guess.
  17. Well speak to them and tell them why you are suitably experienced... Says it there in black and white. " If you are using your full NRA membership to enter these events, please have prior agreement with C2 Precision that you have the experience to attend these matches." Otherwise it's probably the same as everything else you shoot with the NRA and they want due diligence with safety completed before hand.
  18. If anyone was interested it'd gone live on C2 Precisions website. https://www.c2precision.co.uk/product-category/precision-rifle-matches/ Limited spaces left for NRA Full Members.
  19. Or maybe even instead of different courses of fire just have a larger and a smaller plate on each stage for the amateurs and the pro's.
  20. Yeah I 100% get that. I only really started shooting because I wanted to shoot PRS matches. So for me paying the £50 membership fee and £100 range fee is cheaper than paying the range fee, travel and accommodation for Pro Shoot or Orion. Varied. But as Mat said on this training day those were the distances. Yeah, misses were near impossible to spot. In the summer when the grounds dry and dusty that might be easier I guess.
  21. So my understanding is the training requirement was made by the NRA as they did not feel any discipline under the current SCC would automatically deem somebody safe with PRS. After the trial period this year I think the aim is that it will become as discipline that you can have on an SCC. Again I think the necessity to join C2 is due to the fact its not being officially run by the NRA. If it's not adopted by the NRA it will continue to be run by PRS UK and GBPRA amongst other Rifle Clubs across the country no different to how it is now.
  22. I know Josh hosts his own PR22 matches in Devon.. unknown if he will be running any at Bisley. Drop him an email I guess?
  23. For anyone who is interested specifically in PRS shooting or those who may already regularly shoot at Bisley that weren't aware... PRS has landed at Bisley. The first training session took place yesterday hosted by Josh of C2 Precision and it was fantastic. Josh with the assistance of some seasoned shooters got me up to speed in no time at all and despite it being a training/familiarisation type day, there was still plenty of trigger time. There is another training day penned for January with a full match scheduled for February. If anyone is interested drop Josh an email on sales@c2precision.co.uk
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