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Everything posted by VarmLR

  1. World peace and dolphins A few too many taking themselves far too seriously. If you can't laugh at yourselves, then we'll laugh at you for you. I read the comments as Bradders just being his usual dry self (carry on sir ). Come on, if this is all people have to get upset about then take it from me, you lead a bloody privileged life! Back on thread....I rarely attend Bisely these days as its 3 hours there if traffic is kind and the same back. I always enjoy it if I'm there and it's great to see people out in numbers be that 100 yard plinking or 1000 yard comp. I only shoot one or two comps a year and am lucky enough to have land to shoot on, plus a local club for load dev and craic, and love shooting around the MOD ranges for longer range stuff. Personally, I get my kicks from LR shooting by competing against myself, trying to bring what I've learned in ballistics, load dev, technique, judging conditions etc. I'll never be to the standards of some on here and know I have a lot to learn yet but I enjoy it in my own humble way. Sadly, my shooting has been on hold for a few months as I've had health issues with kidney trouble and arthritis has been crippling me but I intend on getting back to it this month. I honestly feel sometimes that what's needed is to bang heads together here, get some of you lot to kiss and make up and just get on with your lives without the need to preach and quote at each other I even used an emojie so you know that I'm not being serious or making rude hand jestures at you.... Dr Bradders, I need some advice from you....I'm a Northern git living in the SouthWest....is that bad? If so, what can I do about it?
  2. Your velocities are much greater than I am getting with the same load but using different primers. Using the same bulet, I'm getting 2700fps with a 43.9gr load (24" barrel, Lapua SRP brass, KVB-223M primers). My accuracy nodes were 43.4 & 43.9gr. It does make me wonder about batch variation...that or my chrony is under-cooking the figures! (Digital pro-chrony....all velocities measured about 2.5m in front of the muzzle).
  3. Large primer brass? Not sure on QL predictions for the 260...but sounds like they could be fairly hot loads given the velocities.
  4. I'm afraid I don't know know the answer to that but 3 months seems long enough to be chasing someone up! The fact that a few that I know had problems with their Crusaders steered me towards the PMII when I was looking for a reliable top tier LR scope and was enough to put me off the idea of an IOR no-matter what I thought of the glass (which is excellent).
  5. We don't review scopes though...we use them. I don't think personal preference counts for much with scopes...they're either fit for purpose or they're not. They either measure up to your requirements, or they don't. I have used them professionally as well as for leisure sport shooting and have always reverted to a scope that does the job in hand reliably and with the optical quality that cuts the mustard. Feature rich scopes are like feature rich cars....mostly redundant flippery. The PM2 is popular for a reason...it has nothing that doesn't need to be there, isn't perfect but has proved reliable the world over and with superb glass and turrets with possibly the simplest zero-stop system in existence. It's reliable, rugged and fit for purpose. "Better" needs definition. Better at what? Optical resolution? Reliability? Tracking error? It's pretty good at all of those things, if not the best at any of them. The IORs divide opinion precisely because of their model specific odd colour cast (done for a reason to aid contrast in low light perhaps?) because of the thick rets and because of the so-so reliability record. Get a good 'un and it's probably going to be the mutt's nuts. Personally I love the way they handle and like the glass. Get the odd Friday afternoon one and you may wish you hadn't bothered. There seems to be a fair few conflicting opinions and that in itself puts a lot of people off especially at the price.
  6. Mixed reports. Glass is excellent although to my eyes it had a slightly odd colour cast (Recon). In terms of reliability I know several shooters who had to send their Crusader scopes back following turret failures. Personally, I found them a little chunky, fab glass though, but for me the dealbreaker was the ret thickness (Don't know if IOR now offer a fine ret but I haven't seen one). I ended up going down the PMII route instead with no regrets. The other scope in the same bracket well worth a look is the new Vortex Razor Gen 2.
  7. So basically, you haven't answered s single point raised Bye bye
  8. OK...I'll bite ? That is the very last shape and size of knife (Looks big) that I'd choose for deerstalking. I would also not use a nice smooth (slippery when wet) wooden (unhygenic?) handle. Where do we start? Blade shape is wrong...blade is too long imho for skinning duties and that deep belly may be handy for cutting up hefty lumps of meat but you woudn't insert that into an animal as a draw to part the skin without slicing up half the insides...perhaps it would be better on heffalumps? Blade thickness way too thick and heavy for my liking. I use Moras, have a Hella Harding and a custom blade similar to the Mora but in much better steel that holds an edge far longer. Also, there is no mention of the steel used for that knife, what the hardening and tempering process is (many Chrome Vanadium steels these days use very specialist heat treatment). If you're attempting to sell a knife, where is the information on the knife? Size? Steel? sharpening angle(s)? Tempering process? Handle material? Handle fitment? Price? You'll need to try a little harder my friend...after all you're posting on a site with more than its fair share of seasoned hunters who know a thing or two when it comes to knife selection and use. Also, can you state categorically, for the record, that despite what your company info states, that knife shown is made here from start to finish in the UK? Little point in posting further really until these things have been addressed without drawing less than favourable comments. We're a fair minded bunch as long as no-one is trying to pull the wool over our eyes and respect is given where respect is due.
  9. T3x varmint in GRS laminate stock suits some very well indeed. I have an older T3 in a GRS and without bedding it has resulted in an extremely comfortable LR shooting platform. I many ways, it's more comfortable and has better ergonomics than the TAC A1, but if I had to choose just one of my rifles for LR work, it would be the TAC A1 in 6.5CM all day long. Some previous comments on bluing etc I guess stand for most rifles. Take care of it and it'll likely outlast you. I wipe mine down with acf50 every now and then and it still looks brand new, all bar some minor bluing rubbing off on the mag which is what I'd exp[ect to happen with a contact point anyway. The TAC A1 in CM had issues surrounding the lack of under-cutting of the mod thread (thread finished a few mm from the shoulder which was an unforgivable oversight by Tikka) resulting in some mods not screwing on concentrically. I had this issues and rather than use the GMK supplied solution (compression washers) I had the thread properly undercut and to make doubly sure of zero issues, use a 30 cal mod. Sound reduction isn't significantly affected...some slight decrease in reduction but not noticeable really,and no discernable difference in recoil. I use the TAC for occasional field work too (not deer stalking) and its light enough imho to carry without any real issues. I have used the T3 varmint in GRS laminate for deer stalking, heavy that it is, and as long as you're not tabbing miles back with a deer in tow, it's perfectly fine.
  10. Quite simply, it could well be that the load doesn't suit your rifle as I'm assuming that Matt can't really load develop for customers due to practicalities. There is one other trick left to try. Find out who shoots this bullet with your barrel length and twist and find what load they developed for it. Then ask Matt to try the same providing it is within safe parameters. The bullet is very jump tolerant so keeping it to mag length will be fine. FWIW my accuracy load is 24.6gr RS50 and the same for N140 both seated to mag length for a 26 inch 1/8 twist 223.. Other than that, try other factory loads at 200 and 300 yds. If you get one that out performs the one you have then it rules out kit issues and confirms load issues.
  11. Yes. People often beat themselves up about group sizes and chase tiny ES figures getting really anal about reloading, paying scant attention to bullet choice. It's not just important, it's critical, especially where shooting in competition, to pick the right bullet. We were shooting 600m today and several were using 20 inch .223's with 77gr smks. No shortage of Vee bulls. Light winds helped, but so did using the right twist with 77gr smks driven reasonably hard which was all that was needed to place a good percentage in the "4" ring. By contrast, those of us using 6.5s were landing about the same proportion in the veebull( and that is exactly what should be expected from 6.5s!). 223 is more than capable at 600yds...it's pushing out much beyond that where it can get very sketchy, very quickly, with slower twist rifles and lighter, shorter bullets, especially when wind is thrown into the equation. As Mark says above, at 600, on a reasonable day on a flat range, to scatter 223's across the target would suggest that something, somewhere, is not right. I would argue that perhaps the 69smk is not ideal at that range...the 77gr HPBT being by far the better choice. I would suggest that rather than a kit issue it could perhaps be a combination bullet and trigger technique where the spotlight should fall. As an example, when dropping a large proportion of 6.5s into the centre, I wondered what effects at that range that slight trigger technique changes would make. I deliberately altered my trigger pull a little, and reckon that whilst still concentrating on the sight picture, breathing and body position, by adapting a technique change such as gripping a little firmer with the thumb on the grip or pulling the trigger with a slightly fuller reach, in both cases it opened up groups from around 4 or 5 inches to around 8 (ie from centre ring to 4 ring). It also pulled them off a little to one side. That was deliberate but still trying to keep things steady. Don't under estimate the importance of both bullet choice and technique...both play a huge part in consistency and precision.
  12. Compressed loads? Seems like quite a high charge. I know that 260 rem has a little more case capacity than Creedmoor but effective case capacity is similar as the bullets tend to be seated deeper. At 44.6gr I'm into quite compressed loads with the Creedmoor. I'd expect 2800fps at between 42,5 and 43gr RS62 in the CM with large primer brass so not at all surprised that you're getting those velocities...seems like quite high pressure loadings? If so, I'd be backing right off!
  13. I'd agree with the above. Try it again at 300 yds after cleaning as this should dispel any worries about the scope, but maybe worth also doing a scope tracking test as well. I've had something similar at Century when shooting 69TMKs. Slight weather change threw what started as reasonable grouping from my sub 2800fps load all over the shop despite terminal velocity being theoretically well above transonic. You don't mention whether you had a mod fitted or not (assume not?). If you did, had this come loose?
  14. Yes, that's a fair point. I tried some when the stuff first came out was quite impressed but I think that ACF just has the edge and it cleans up slightly rusted areas better.
  15. No snakes were used in the making of this ? ACF50 (as you should know as a biker) is also very good indeed, if pricey. Here's a link to a controlled test where many such products were evaluated. https://www.bennetts.co.uk/bikesocial/reviews/products/the-best-motorcycle-corrosion-protectants/tested-xcp-rust-blocker-corrosion-protectant-review
  16. There's a better and slightly cheaper alternative to acf, Chaz, calledXCP Professional Rust Blocker. In tests, it outperforms just about anything else on the market for rust prevention and is safe to use on firearms. I use it for liberally coating the underside of my SUV to prevent our winter salt laden roads corroding the sub frame and suspension arms. I've found that on vehicles, you can get away with one aplicatrion every 3 to 4 months and it keeps things minty. Around £14 a can I think. ACF50 I used on my bikes and firearms until I discovered XCP. Don't use it in the bore though!
  17. It seems to be fine Chaz. I keep the gun cabinet liberally stocked with silicon bags and use acf50 to wipe surfaces down before putting away. My mag bluing has worn at contact points but that's pretty normal for most metal mags so not a concern. Barrel is fine as is action and bore.
  18. Never experienced any signs of rust on any of my Tikkas, be that blued or stainless. I do look after them though and they're cleaned and oiled before being put away every single use. Been out in some pretty awful downpours with them too. ACF50 or similar might be the answer for those who do experience issues.
  19. The thread drift is what it is. Generally, you tend to get what you pay for with bullets and I wouldn't entertain using S&B for long range use...not due to any snobbery...more because the logic (as I see it anyway) is why go to the lengths needed for consistency and low ES/good grouping at long range only to compromise any competitive (or non-competitive) edge by using bullets which are not manufactured to the same tolerance standards as competitors nor when better BC bullets exist. The bullet you may have missed which doesn't break the bank is Lapuas excellent 139 Lapua Scenar. Cheaper than the Normas, way cheaper than the Hornady match bullets and something of a benchmark for some years in 6.5. That's the best answer that I can offer.
  20. I use 44gr RS62 behind a 139 scenar for 2700fps in SRP brass.
  21. For fox, I'd recommend the SSTs, for gong bashing, the 139 scenars for all ranges to 1000 yds or slightly more. Just PM'd you...we'll have to catch up soon!
  22. Your regime sounds fine, although it might pay to check case capacities in case you have some that are throwing ES out; I'd also be tempted to batch by OA case length. I try and keep mine all within the range 1.906 o 1.910 after FL sizing. If you've done all of that and are confident that charges are accurate, then swapping out primers would seem the next logical step.
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