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Bunny @ 530


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This little Video was filmed shooting directly into the glaring sunshine. :wacko: which is a shame, as the camera didn't capture


the moment as clear as my Zeiss scope.


Abit of background to the shot.


The Bunny was out in the open at 490 yards away. I had dialled in ready and was just about to take the shot , when a Buzzrd


swooped down on it. :P Great to see , but it scared the life out of Bugs , which promptly sprinted away and tucked


itself into the nearest bush.


A quick re-adjustment - a few more clicks added - and good to go .


Its a tricky area to shoot over as the firing position is sheltered , Once the bullet gets in the open , there's a side


wind to contend with , and the shot is at an incline which is more deceptive than it looks.



Anyway worth a look as its over 500 yards...... Thanks to Mr Buzzard :lol:









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  • 2 weeks later...

never mind it being a cracking shot ,you did well finding it in the first place :ph34r: keep um coming

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