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Hi chaps.


had a good night lamping foxes last night... and we also decided to have a go at filming.


unfortunately the camera would not film anything futher than 150 yrds .. it must need more light than the LF blitz could give ;)


Anyway , I digress .. My shooting buddy Dave and I , visited a turkey farm .


The farmer had called us , as he had seen a fox mooching around in the daytime.


We brought along my .243 for company and a supply of 87 grn vmax ..... definate fox medicine.


Lamping the first field , a fox was stood no more than 60 yrds away - it ran off as soon as the light force blitz lit it up.


it kept on going and made it to the next field , where old Charlie stopped to look back .... ( big mistake )


The bullet struck side of the ribs ..lights out .. and a very respectable 317 yard shot. ( unfortunatley the camera wouldnt focus )


We then drove down the farm track and Dave spotted the eyes of a fox , maybe 400 yrds away.


We quickly parked up , gun on bonnet and started squeaking -- the fox came racing in... Dave stopped it at 140 yrds.



This video shows the shot ... Obviously no time for commentry or explanations .. its about getting the fox not the video.


watch in full screen mode






We ended up with 4 fox from last nights session ... the farmer is well happy ,, he only thought there was 1 fox .. :)



All the best



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Hi chaps.


had a good night lamping foxes last night... and we also decided to have a go at filming.


unfortunately the camera would not film anything futher than 150 yrds .. it must need more light than the LF blitz could give ;)


Anyway , I digress .. My shooting buddy Dave and I , visited a turkey farm .


The farmer had called us , as he had seen a fox mooching around in the daytime.


We brought along my .243 for company and a supply of 87 grn vmax ..... definate fox medicine.


Lamping the first field , a fox was stood no more than 60 yrds away - it ran off as soon as the light force blitz lit it up.


it kept on going and made it to the next field , where old Charlie stopped to look back .... ( big mistake )


The bullet struck side of the ribs ..lights out .. and a very respectable 317 yard shot. ( unfortunatley the camera wouldnt focus )


We then drove down the farm track and Dave spotted the eyes of a fox , maybe 400 yrds away.


We quickly parked up , gun on bonnet and started squeaking -- the fox came racing in... Dave stopped it at 140 yrds.



This video shows the shot ... Obviously no time for commentry or explanations .. its about getting the fox not the video.










We ended up with 4 fox from last nights session ... the farmer is well happy ,, he only thought there was 1 fox .. :)



All the best




ive just ad the best 2 mins watching this it was worth it please film and post some more cheers george

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well done ALAN,i taught you well :lol:

nice video as well pat carey watch out :lol:

going down to see geoff @nv supplies this week to look at some of his gear going for an add on system .will let you know what i get.

atb gary

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