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Took someone out for a Munty,but.............


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I had a phone call from a lad that lives fairly near to me that was after a go at a Muntjac,and,as I had promised him a trip out we arranged to have an hour or so last night(Wed).I took him over the valley to the Market garden that I have shot an awful lot in the past,but,as we got there the wind was definitely against us as it was all over the place.I put the lad in a hedgeline under a big Lime tree looking out over an area of scrubby rough ground that the Muntjac love so much,and I got tucked in on the other side of the tree to cover more ground,I didn't take my rifle though.I was glassing the bank when a Roe doe ambled across,she got part way when a shot rang out.I was hoping that it was the lads first Muntjac,but,no,it was however a beautiful Vixen taken at about 160yds.............


The light was not on our side now as it was very overcast and giving the lad a problem with his bino's,so,I decided to take him out for a bit of a lamp,I dropped the fox down in the farmers yard,because he does like to see the carcases.............


I drove over to a stables that I have seen a few foxes in the last week or so,but,although I had two or possibly three foxes in the lamp they just wouldn't play the game we were hoping,staying just on the horizon with no safe shots.I was starting to feel a bit bad by now so I took him to a bit of land up on the Mendips.We parked up and got over the gate into the field,and,I gave a few squeeks,and,there right on queue came in a set of bright eyes which came to a stop at around 50yds,he was up on the sticks and let a 6.5x55 go...........but,it failed to connect with the intended target,and,it was over the hills and far away like a track greyhound.It was very blustery with as you all know a full moon,but,the cloud was so thick and low up on the hills that it was as dark as soot.We carried on following the hedgelines around the fields,and,I spotted a pair of eyes,so,I squeeked him in to around 70yds and this time the desired effect was a headshot vixen.....two in the bag...........



There is quite a decent bit of land here to get around,and,we were actually on our way back to the truck before I caught another pair of eyes right on the edge of the beam,and,as he set up on the sticks I gave a quick squeek and he turned to the lamp,for half a second and then turned its back on me and was bouncing on a mouse in the grass(or was he trying to bring worms up)it took a couple more squeeks to attract his attention again to which he met his untimely depature from this earth,he was a decent size as well probably going very near 20 lb..................


Just after that we were crossing a fence,and,I showed him how the SAS traverse a double barbed wire fence face first,luckily I only ended up with hole in my knee,bloody hell it hurts now.Anyway I digress,we were now almost back at the truck when I lit up Charlie,and,he was led down in the middle of the field tight down in the grass like a Hare(never seen one do that in the lamp before)but,he wasn't going to be a pushover..........there was a shot and a running fox heading for the hills at a rate of knots,but,to my surprise I managed to stop him in full flight,and,there was another shot,and,again he was off like a rocket,and,believe it or not I managed to stop him again,and,this time was his last,although he did manage another 20yds or so................


The rifle was a 6.5x55 sauer using 140grn soft points



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