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Unexpected bonus.Had

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Had a phone call a few nights ago from a chap who looks after a 1000 acre pheasant shoot and would I like to come and see if I couldn't shoot some fox for him on Friday evening (tonight). Nobody shoots C/F there so they get some with HMR or shotgun.

I've had a fair clear up there in a few visits before so didn't expect to see a great deal. Anyways we saw two and shot two and the chap said smashing, what are you doing next Saturday, I thought he meant another evenings lamping, but it turns out he has a gun in a shoot not too far from us and has offered me a day on the pheasant as a reward for trimming up the fox on the ground he looks after.

I told him I'm more than happy with invites to shoot fox but he insists on me having his peg next week, got to say I'm a little gobsmacked at his generosity, but if he insists, then I'd better do as I'm told don't you think?


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Its a dirty job but I guess someone has to do it :wacko: , good on you.


I have a similar set up close to me, big wood owned by the local hunt, it s like fox watership down. 4 lads have set up a driven shoot on the land next to it, I did offer to go and attend to teh fox issue that they will have but they recon they have foxes under control with an HMR. We shall see what the days produce. At present I trim an odd one up coming in from that side but my boundry is 300 yard away and Northern Chris does quite a few more the other side.


Interestingly in a local pub recently one or two local hunt supporters have tried to tell these chaps two of which own the land that they cant shoot on it and the hunt use it !!.



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