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Pistol Barrel Porting for Humane Dispatch?

Guest Tiff

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I have a 2 shot .357 pistol hopefully coming for dispatching stock, wounded deer and horses. Since trying to shoot a horse in the head with a shotgun or a clients wounded deer in a granite filled gorse thicket with a rifle is not exactly great!


However currently my firearms department seem to wish it to have a ported muzzle. Thereby according to them 'allowing me to put it DIRECTLY against the animals head and dispatch it'. I'm guessing they believe the ports will stop the pressure differential forming and the pistol removing my hand!


Personally I cannot see how a couple of little holes would do anything to help. Also why I would want to be directly against an animal skull when I shoot it is also beyond me, a 4" gap would surely be safer if its moving about?


All I know about porting pistols is it makes them a lot louder, which is hardly ideal when dispatching someones pet horse!


Also they increase the muzzle flash significantly, which isn't great for the eyes when dispatching at dawn/dusk on deer. Plus in a tinder dry gorse thicket would this not also dramatically increase the fire hazard with jets of flames coming out the sides?


So would porting make such a difference in the ability to humanly dispatch an animal? Since all I see are the drawbacks (noise and light/fire hazard) , since recoil reduction for precision follow-ups at 4" is hardly a requirement!


Any help greatly appreciated.



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I shoot a lot of handguns and have been shooting .357 magnum for almost 4 decades. I don't believe you will blow the gun up holding it against the animal's head, but an inch of space would be a good idea. Porting would do little. What kind of two shot pistol are you getting? A "derringer" style?? (above and below?) or something else? Curious.~Andrew

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Tiff one of the gun shops I used to go to near bristol that sold the two shot revolvers for humane destrustion used to get theirs ported as apparently they had one client bring theirs back with a knackered barrel as they had tried to bury it in the animals head before shooting it. From my experience of having had to have horses put down the pistols seem reasonably quiet, our nieghnours didn't even know what we'd had done. I also know a guy that has a pistol for humane destruction in bristol that has his pistol unported, but like you he has no intention of trying to put it to the animals head, he generally prefers a bit of space. Also having dealt with the knackerman that puts down horses, it would appear that their pistol's weren't ported and they did put them right next to the horses head. No idea why the fac people would want it to be ported, wouldn't be anything to do with the blame and claim culture we live in would it? I.E. - No one told me i couldn't press it right against the skull of the animal and I didn't realise it would blow the barrel - so it must be your fault, give me some money please?

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A better option would be a 1-2" extension, with a toothed circumferance. It would have to be re-proofed. From personal experience , horses, unless very ill, or incapacitated, do not like pistols shoved against their heads, and become very agitated, making the job twice as difficult, and upsetting. If you already have the gun, i would tell them to forget it.

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Guest varmartin

If they require you to have the barrel ported then I would suggest you ask for a set of adjustable sights and ivory grips to be fitted so you can also use it for target comps ....!...perhaps a muzzle weight too ! :lol: .........what are they thinking ????


Or ask for a variation for a Glock...they wont blow up....and you can then shoot it under water for dispatching sealions ..... :rolleyes:

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I worked for a large gunshop in the eighties and one of the things we bought were guns that were seized by police departments. Too many of these were guns that had been used for suicides. None were blown up despite having been (presumably) put against a person's head when the trigger was pulled. I believe that if you leaned into the beast you might have a problem but otherwise, the initial recoil alone will move the muzzle from the flesh at the time of ignition. Just a thought. ~Andrew

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