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Close range


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Was sitting in high grass on steep bank overlooking a valley. Great sunshine for a change at about two in the afternoon.

I gave a few squeaks with the glass and styro, expecting a few rabbits to raise there heads across the valley or a fox to peek out. Then I heard a bit of a rustle in front of me, the fox was almost on my lap. Old dog fox with a few teeth missing, must have been half blind too. (and some say muzzle energy doesn't count)



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You want to bottle that aftershave edi,it worth a fortune :lol:


I have one come up a couple of years ago when I was dreesed up in my ghillie siut and sniff my leg when I was laying down calling , I nearly that which promotes growth and vigour myself and it approached me from behind and touched my leg. :o:o


Is that a tikka you got there, you must have just looked down the barrel and sqeezed , he didnt like I bet ^_^

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I've shot a couple like that and I find it far more exciting than a long range shot. The first time it happened to me I remember loads of thoughts rushing through my mind at the same time.... How is it ever this close? How am I going to get on aim without him legging it? Is this thing blind or just stupid? S***, I can't see anything through the scope!


It's a great experience to get that close to such a cunning animal.

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This chap must have been sunning himself below me, wind was right and I squeaked a few quiet ones first.

The funny thing was when I saw him, he must have seen me and he froze.. one or two ft from the muzzle.

At least I had the rifle pointing in the right direction, steep downhill and didn't need to re adjust only take safety off.


Couple days ago I took one running at me that I couldn't get to stop. Sometimes the situation is just right for the fox. Like

wind sheltered sunny bank in the afternoon and after a long rainy period.




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a poke in the eye with a sharp stick comes to mind.


i once shot one with a shotty whilst roost shooting i was in my hide and he came and laid down in front of me , silly mistake

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