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Nemasis School of Foxing


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Well this fantastic weather continues. Andy invited me up yesterday to carry on with the filming for our DVD and as a treat after a hard days filming, he had arranged a spin out for some charlies with Vern and Jim who are 2 keepers from neighbouring estates.

Well the afternoon was superb and we both enjoyed just chilling out in the sunshine.

Sadly action was a bit slow as the field had sprouted up a bit much and to be honest I think we had the best of it last week.

We managed a couple of crows and one rabbit at 441 yards, I saw the 105 a max pick it up in the air and turn it into chunks!

Those A max certainly expand a treat.




We finnished up around 7pm and headed for our favourite chippy to get a bit of grub before we met Jim and Vern at 9.


We said our helloes and loaded up the pick up, Jim was keen to crack on as we had both estates to do and a couple of farms which were lambing.

We set off and bumped a fox immediately, it took off the moment the lamp hit it, I tried a shot on the run but sadly this time didn't connect, a dissapointing start to the evening.

We moved on and Andy called a vixen in to around 100 yards and the Ackley put her down and this settled me in after the first miss.

The night was superb, clear and still so the call got out there and the foxes seemed to want to respond..... game on :D

The only slight down side was the condensation in the air as it was cold kept fogging the lenses on the scope.

We moved on to another area on the estate that was chain harrowed and spotted a dog fox crossing the field, Baaaaaaaah, it stopped and looked back giving me time to get on target, another Charlie in the bag.

They seemed suicidal tonight the next a scruffy barren vixen just sat in the plough allowing us to drive right around her to get a safe angle for the shot.

We finnished of on this side with another dog fox mooching around the pond, he called up nicely to 60 yards Andy barked at him stopping him nicely for the shot 4 foxes on Jims he was chuffed.

We dumped this lot as we had a bit of road work to do as Jim wanted to take us to some new ground.




Of we set in the truck even Andy didn't have a clue where Jim was taking us :D

We arrived at this new piece of ground some 200 acres of virgin terratory.

Well am I in the wrong month? Its not September with lots of stupid cubs around?

Well the action started quick, Andy started to call with what I thought looked like a sex toy ;) a foot of concerteenerd black rubber :rolleyes::D the sound which came out of it making the hair stand up on the back of your neck.

Well within seconds we had 2 foxes racing one another see who could get to us first!

Andy said shoot the one at the back first.

The first fox was only 50 yards away now the other around 80 yards both still coming straight on to us. I placed the cross hairs on the bib of the rear fox the Ackley pole axing it like a charging elephant. The closer fox was totally confused the bang in front, the crack of the bullet passing over its head and the thump of the bullet hitting its mate behind, just lay down in the grass, in this time I had reloaded and the 2nd shot was on its way. We went to pick them up and as the truck turned around there was another pair of eyes,Andy banged on the truck roof, Jim stopped and I fired. 3 foxes in under 3 minutes, don't you just love new ground :D

It prooved to be 2 vixens we shot first and a dog fox which had come in from the other direction.

Magic and it certainly got the heart going.

Any way back for a final spin on Jims, we met up with some idiot who had pulled up on the estate road to go to sleep in his car, he was most indignant at being wokien up at 1am by a Light force lamp being shone on him :D:)

I don't think it was his perrogative to tell us to #### off, but he did :D but Andy gave him short shrift and corrected his wayward commments ;)

We picked up one more dog fox aroud the farm muck heaps, bringing a most succesful evening to a close with 8 foxes in the bag.

A long but tiring night and I was glad to get to bed at 3am!

Cheers for the rapid fire lessons Andy, I'll bring my AR15 next time.


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It Should have been 9 :D:D:D

As Dave said we bumped the first one , we come over a brow and there he was , 30yrds away he ran off to our right and dave had no rest to put the rilfe on as we couldnt turn the truck that direction due to the terrain :) , so it was a free hand shot on the run, as I was directly to the left and behind the rifle I saw the bullet trace a path towards the back of the charlie, I think it was due to the fact that the fox was runing and was bobbing up and down that Dave went slightly high. :( .

Anyhow ,I have had foxes come to the call this time of year before, but last night was very odd, there was a bit of mist in the air which old charlie isnt to keen on usually, I used my new calling toy( a piece of corrogated bubber hose with a blank at one end and a call mounted in the mouth of the other, this is very loud and has a good screeming pitch ,which on its first outing did very well, I was using this to get them into about 150yrds ,then I would use my hand as I had more control which with little sqeaks brought charlie up close and personal.


The ###### in the van had a RUDE AWAKENING ;):D:D ,what a asshole , I found out after he is a relief milker for one of the estate farms and has has trouble at home and been kicked out, POOR LAD :D:rolleyes: but I dont take to kindly from someone who tells me to F***Koff late at night B) I hope he slept well after we finished our little chat ;)


Had Jim on the phone this morning he had never seen 2 foxes comming down the light before,he loved it.

I have had it many times before and through experience I always shoot the furthest away as the ones forward of this aint got a clue whats going on , a bang at the front and a bang at the rear, they just seem to freeze which gives you enough time for the shot,

Nice going Dave on your left and right and thanks for your company,

See I havent shot them all :D:D

cheers Andy ;)

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Well lads you have been having a good time and a nice writeup too!!! :D:rolleyes:

Good to see you have been enjoying the good weather we have here too!!! :)

Captin , are you going to be using the 6.5-284 for some ginger??? ;)

All the best................................

RAY.................................................... :D;)

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People have a real attitude at times dont they, i like the friggers best, its the startled faces in a millon candle power. lol I have caught people out at night that shouldn't be out at night if you know what i mean. :rolleyes::);):D

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