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Whippets' first rabbit since her accident.............

Guest martin

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We were out for a walk today not even a mooch really,and Ula and Scrap started to take a bit of an interest in a scrubby bramble patch,and,all of a sudden Scrap the terrier dived in and put out a rabbit,which made a quick exit up the field which is a very steep hill.The rabbit got a good head start on Ula,but she went immediately into overdrive,and,absolutely ate up the ground that seperated them,she then turned the rabbit one way and then the other probably six times before scooping it up.I can tell you that at that moment I felt just like a Lottery winner,and,as I type this I can hear some of the mega hunters clicking off,but,as some of you will be aware I am just getting over a stroke,and,what with Ula having been in the wars lately tearing her side open,


and having split pads and torn webs,I just felt that something good had happened,and,that put a VERY BIG smile on my face.

Unfortunately there is a down side though,Ula felt that she didn't need to bother to retrieve her prize to me,and,even worse gave it a bit of a ragging.I tried patiently to get her to bring it on,but,she wasn't having any of it,so,eventually I had to go to her,and,I heaped praise on her,and,even let her carry the rabbit for a while so she didn't feel the need in the future to withold a rabbit from me.After a short while I took it off her,and,she didn't seem to worry then,so,it will be back to the drawing board again.Anyway here is the lady in question with her prize.................


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"I can tell you that at that moment I felt just like a Lottery winner,and,as I type this I can hear some of the mega hunters clicking off,"


Well let them go an f**k themselves, good on you to enjoy the moment for what it was.


Reminds me when my lad shot his first rabbit, I couldn't even see it hidden in some rocks. He said "give me the gun" so I laughed when he forgot the safety catch but he laughed when it came rolling down the hill. :wub:

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That bitch looks pleased with herself.I used to run coursing whippets and they are great fun lamping aswell. I only wish that I had more time to have another whippet to go lamping. Maybe I would not be so fat if I went lamping more with the dog :lol: . Well done that dog and keep the photos coming of her success in the field.



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As a Keeper, whippets and Lurcher's aren't my favourite dogs due to the inconvenience their owners often cause me. However a Friend of mine used to own two Lurcher's and sometimes worked them on my ground, I could only marvel at the turn of speed and agility of those dogs, up until then I could never grasp what people saw in them, on the few occasions I watched them work I could then understand.


Good luck for future runs.

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Hi Martin ,

Good to hear you both are on the mend and feeling better!!!! :lol:B)

A nice writeup buddy and good to see you both out and about enjoying your hunting!!!! :D :D

All the very best to you both............

RAY.................................. ;):D

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As a Keeper, whippets and Lurcher's aren't my favourite dogs due to the inconvenience their owners often cause me. However a Friend of mine used to own two Lurcher's and sometimes worked them on my ground, I could only marvel at the turn of speed and agility of those dogs, up until then I could never grasp what people saw in them, on the few occasions I watched them work I could then understand.


Good luck for future runs.


I do only use permission Elwood..................no really!


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Bound to make you feel better. Seeing the wound now it looks very like a muntjac slash , Ive seen more than one dog after they have had a run in with one and it is quite typical of the wounds they can inflict.

Glad the dog out and about and not lost her hunting instinct.



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As an avid ex lurcher man i can understand what you were feeling. I guess its similar to when your young pup makes its first kill.


Good on you and keep the stories coming. Stick up some more pics of your days out if you have any ?.



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