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Got home from work yesterday and switched the answer machine on, had a couple of messages but one was from a farmer way up in the middle of knowhere, he only has a small place of about 80acres but is next to a large estate which some other guy is doing the vermin control on.

I rang the farmer and spoke to him and he told me that a charlie had been in and took a few chickens around tea time and he often saw it at dusk :D ,

So by now the sun was setting over the yard arm but i decided to go for a spin anyway, It wasnt the best of nights , a bit of rain and fog as I drove the 20 miles to his place.

Its always the same with this guy , he and his wife are well in there 70's and dont seem to have a lot in the way of money, but they always give me the best of welcomes. There is always a plate of fresh Welsh cakes on the table and real butter which his wife still makes her self ;)

The trouble is ,when you go in they dont want you to go, I dont think they get many callers up there where they are.

So after an hour I manage to get away only on the promise that I have a cuppa before I leave, so out to the boot of the car and set up my kit.

He told me that the keeper next door would only come and shoot the fox if he gave him £25 , I hope one gets in his pheasant pen one day, that would be worth £25 to see, what a P****K he seems to be.

Walked the 9 fields he has and saw nothing so got to good vantage point where I could scan all round and started calling , I was elevated quite a bit so I wasnt worried about the wind that was blowing to much, after about 3mins here comes charlie ,he come through a boundery hedge and was standing at the bottom of a large bank, I called some more, but he wouldnt budge , I had a quick scan and nothing else was showing so I got down on the bipod and had a look through the scope, the fog and misty rain had eased and he seemed to be ok , he wasnt close so I decided to put the cross hair head hieght as he was standing face on to me and also the fact that he was slightly lower than me anyway.

I racked the bolt and settled down there was a left to right wind blowing so I gave hin a bit of left hand edge,I sqeezed off a round and there was one hell of a plop as the 58grner from my 243 went right in his chest.


I got the old laser out and he was 302yrds so I was well chuffed with that for a start to the night.

I called for another 20mins off and on but to no avail, so I went down to have a look at what I had shot, as I turned to walk away after my inspection I hand a quick flick with the lamp and here is another charlie sitting where I had taken the shot from , a bit unusual I thought as my scent would still be there :D

I couldnt shoot it from where I was and there was no chance of calling it into the wind ,so the only other place I mite have a chance at him from would be the yard where I parked my car.

So I set off over hedges and through bits of streams and bogs and got back to my car.

I had a look again ,he was still sitting there ,I couldnt believe my luck,I put the bipod on the bonnet of the car and again sqeezed off a round this time he was just over the 200yrd mark so there was no mucking about ,straight at him point of aim, wollop , all he did was flop down on the deck.


When i got up to him he was an old dog with not many teeth left in his mouth, but he was quite fat, so I decided to have a look at what he had been eating, I opened him up and had a poke about and sure enough was a load of feathers , either from the chickens or the pheasants next door.

So I made my way back to the farm house for a cuppa and another Welsh cake or two ;) , as we spoke and I told him that I had nailed two and his wife got up and went to the Welsh dresser and took an old china pot from it, she took the lid off and took out three ten pound notes here she said that is for what you have done for us tonight, I siad I couldnt take their money , which there was a bit of a discussion about its the same every time , any way I said if I could have a few Welsh cakes to take home ,that would be payment enough and she always makes a new batch when I am shooting so there nice and hot to nibble on ,on the way home in the car ;):D

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That's a lovely story Nem :D They sound like great people altogether! But that keeper next door, £25, what a sad existence. Good work nailing the chicken killer and his apprentice.


By the by, is your Photobucket account not marked private or have you been moving images as they do not show up for me. Been my experience that PB will remove hunting photos from non private accounts :D

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Your a bit of a swine really Nem, the rest of us have to put up with rain and mud and cold and you keep coming on with fox tales full of young dolly birds, tea and crumpets ( well welsh cakes anyway ) any more of this and we will have to ban you from posting such tempting tales :D


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Cheers for sharing. That was a real cockle warming story, good result too. I like helping people out myself and never except payment, although it suprises me how many non shooters i know cant understand why i would not charge. More to life than money, and putting a price on everything.

I can never see your pictures either. :lol:


Cheers Andy.

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Glad to see you getting out and about and as usual getting a result. Looking forward to some R&R myself.

Up to my neck in work as we have a health authority audit and inspection. Fed up with anti- discrimatory policies and health and safety :lol:

Any way DSC course next week with Ray and Brian. Keith ( Deerstalker) is running the BASC course so should be fun.

When I get back Monday I have the health authority audit/inspection on the Wednesday then Ray's arriving Thursday so looking forward to our day out at Marks on Saturday and getting some trigger time.



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Hi Andy ,

Like the boys said , cracking writeup and a good job well done!!!!! :D

And some nice treats too as well as some good hunting - lucky Captin!!!!! :D :D

Thanks for sharing , the story that is not the tea cakes!!!!! :lol::D :D

All the best.................

RAY................................ :D :D

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Nice result nem ,fed water'd and fox's in the bag good result,dito on the keepers phesants the gready git,wouldnt dream of charging them

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Excellent write up nemisis,thats fox control how it should be done-right gear great skill and a great attitude :D I help out my mates granny and aunty they are the same as the couple you helped out they are small holders in a very rural area i go out of my way to help them out and i always get a really warm welcome :D

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