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EXBAL USERS pc and pda users

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well exbal being a yank made program,and it uses Fahrenheit and us over here useing Celsius here in the uk so heres how to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit...you can do it this way ....To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply by 1.8 + 32. or you could click on this link and look at the bottom of the page were it gives you a converter http://www.answers.com/celsius

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well exbal being a yank made program,and it uses Fahrenheit and us over here useing Celsius here in the uk so heres how to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit...you can do it this way ....To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply by 1.8 + 32. or you could click on this link and look at the bottom of the page were it gives you a converter http://www.answers.com/celsius


There's more than a few people in the UK that still prefer to discuss temperatures in Fahrenheit, the same as giving your weight in stones not kilos, your height in feet/inches not centimetres, thankfully most things in shooting are still imperial and long may it remain so. When somebody tells me they caught a 20lb pike or they put a fallow buck in the chiller at 120lbs you can immediately relate to those weights , in kilos they somehow lose that picture you form immediately after being told. I work in metric but would happily return to imperial given the choice. Fair play to the Yanks for favouring their home market above all others. Maybe it's just my age.


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I was a sixties kid and have to work in metric, however if somebody tells me they are 1.86 meters tall and weigh 89.4 kilos it doesn't immediately form a mental picture for me or most Brits I would imagine. A useful analogy to remind us of what we might lose in the use of the English language if we went totally metric might be when describing a girl with large breasts " you don't get many of those to the half kilo do you" springs to mind. Somehow it doesn't have the same ring to it in my opinion. When you start to think about it an awful lot of similar everyday phrases lose their meaning when changed to metric.


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makes me laff when mothers do it to there kids all the time whats that mommy its a bow wow or its a ge ge then as soon as there 5yrs old its not a bow wow its a dog its not a ge ge its a horse :lol: i like to work in feet and yrds me being born in 1959 yes i know im getting old but i have my looks to fall back on :D

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look chaps this conversion thing is simple :D


on the opening page of ebal there is a little box that says metric,put a tick in there and the system does the job fore you.


simple when you know how.


come on chaps look at what you are doing :lol:



Colin :D

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just tryed it and yes it works ,so what you have to do is click it on to metric, type in the number then click it back off ,then it does it for you ,if you like to work in yards thats is ...cheers for that col48

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Funny I was only taught metric, left school in '83 and went to work for the MOD where all the threads etc were imperial.

Now I use both, sometimes depending on the supplier, i.e. swagelok being american I only buy imperial and they do both.


If you want any surplus machine tools with them being older tend to have everything in "thou's" and like menial said I find it easier to visualise 10 thou rather than 0.25 mm.

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Anyway temperatures easy wait till you get onto pressures with psi, bar, pascals, kilopascals etc.

Then you have to keep asking for the units to make sure were all talking the same language.

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