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third time out with the new rifle,had a call from a farmer yesterday saying he needed some help to get rid of a fox that had been taking his wife's chickens,he told me that he had seen the fox 3 times this week at about 11pm crossing the Field in front of his house.So got set up at about 10pm used the chicken distress call on the fox pro and within 5min a pair of eyes were spotted coming down through the wood to the side of the field,switched off the lamp and gave a few more calls then flicked on the lamp the fox was about 100yards right infont of me,on seeing the fox the farmer shouted there it is which turned the fox around and it started to go flat out the way it came,told my mate to keep the lamp on it and luckily just before it went through the fence at the corner of the field it stopped and looked back just long enough for me to put one through the shoulder at 280 yards, so Hopefully the chickens will be left alone for a while now.DSCN1062.JPGso three trips out and three fox's down the new rifle is earning its keep

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Nice one pnce , and sweet looking rifle you got there too!!!!! :lol:;)

A nice shot too , the chickens are safe again!!! :P

All the best.............

RAY................................ :D:P

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Hi pnse


Think the farmer got a little excited, :lol:;) great shooting, what stock is on your rifle ???


Cheers Steve


hello Steve,yes he did get a bit excited and apologized after,the stock was made by Gary Cane

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