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Hi Danny, What are you looking to do with the scope? What distances are you wanting to shoot? Low light capability needed? Reticule style preference? What gun might it go on? They are nicely made scopes but there are other options out there depending on the above factors (you will know this anyway) as well. I won't venture an opinion just yet without a bit more info on the above factors....

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Hi Morse


It'll be used for long range plinking, bunnies etc.

SFP with a small reticle, always had FFP with mil dot ret but don't really see the need for it as I always dial in.

It'll be going on my Blaser ( no Blaser bashing please it's getting boring)





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Aren't hensoldt the military side of zeiss. I looked at one at cla fair it was nice and wasn't daft money was 6-24x56


Apparently so......not really sure what the difference is between the Hansoldt and a standard Ziess with the same mag.

Hopefully someone on here will have the answer:)



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Hensoldt was the military supply division/brand of Zeiss. That Hensoldt military supply part of the Zeiss business has been completely bought out over the past few years by Airbus group (formerly EADS). The company history and current product line are here:




When Zeiss/Hensoldt were part of the same company, several of the the commercial (Zeiss branded) and military (Hensoldt branded) scope lines were technically similar although the Hensoldt scopes were assembled in a separate facility and to different military specifications (e.g. with anti-laser coatings on the glass and heavier duty internals/bespoke reticles). Hensoldt also assembled scopes which were unique in specification as required by specific military contracts. An example would be the SSG model which was developed back in the '90's specifically for the German military to go on their version of the AI Arctic Warfare Magnum ("G22" in Bundeswehr issue).

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