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N870lrf opinions


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Howdy all. Thinking about buying one of these and using it for vermin out to 200- 250.(.223)I've read sales reviews saying with an ir add on they are good for 600 in perfect conditions so I'd imagine that 200 should be bread and butter for it on most nights. I've watched a few vids on YouTube of some guy shooting rabbits at 60-80 and to be honest it looked naff! Help me out guys, can it be done and what's needed to make it achievable?.... Or should I be looking elsewhere?

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Buy a Drone would be my thoughts, Pulsars are excellent but troublesome with a doubler and short of Mag for Foxing without and the image with their digital zoom degrades quite a bit. I have had an N550 / N750 / Drone and only still have the Drone they are superb. Only issue would seem to be getting hold of one!!

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Cheers bud, that's pretty much what I thought regarding the pulsars, but with drones like dragon piss I thought I'd shop around


Hardly - Drones continuously in stock since April, and have been only out of stock for about 10 days.

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For years Ive used a pulsar n550 (only just sold it) with a doubler fitted and a ir torch from ludicrous lumes, the image out to 250yards is exellent and I shot hundreds upon hundreds of foxs with it mounted on a .22/250. Now the .22/250 wears the new drone pro, the image out to 450+yards is superb (I've a small fox target from BH targets (painted white) its clearly identafiable and shootable at this range using the drone pro).


If I had to start over I'd just go straight for the drone, the extra £££ is well worth it.

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