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sonic what kind of beam do you get using the white pill (how tight / range) been thinking of getting a white or red pill for mine.used a deben ledray 700 on my hornet the other week and was not pleased with it at all ,cant believe what i paid for it at the time

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I have the white and IR for my NM took both led's out last night ended changing back to white to much scatter with the night vision.

hi , wondering what NV you are getting scatter with ?

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I have the white and IR for my NM took both led's out last night ended changing back to white to much scatter with the night vision.

hi , wondering what NV you are getting scatter with ?


yes you can there's also red and other colour's just unscrew lens then unscrew led in with new one five min's of a job.

hi you can also buy the neck with your chosen colour which makes it much easier and quicker to change in the field.

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Sorry just been repairing lamp lead broken wire on plug :(


the beam is fairly tight with a bit of side spill (not really usable like with the lamp) on my 222 with 6 x scope its less than FOV on 243 I use 10 x and it fills the FOV good light out to 350 (lasered) to clearly see a fox.


The scatter was from mist/drizzle looked hazy to the naked eye only about half the range with the lamp of normal. But IR seems to lose more light seems to reflect of the mist more than white does.


don't know if you can get just the head but I'd think you'd be a fair lump towards price of full torch if they are. you could email them I suppose.

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there are 2 white LED ,one has a very tight beam and the other is much more usable as a lamp,the Red LED has a tighter beam than the Green ,I prefer the Green for spotting .I also use an X sercher head with the Green light.

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