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RCBS/Ohaus 304 scales


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I have been doing a bit of research on these and other than their relative "oldies are goodies" reputation im unable to find out there current availability if at all and approximate value. I have been offered a set, they arent cheap but are in vgc and before i jump at them, im keen to know more so if anyone can offer any information, i would appreciate it.



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I dont really need it, im just tempted. I have some 5-0-5's for vhecking weights and just load from a lyman dps 5 as im not that enthusiastic about reloading anyway. Im just intruiged by them. Im off to see baldie timorrow night so will see what he thinks, he has dealt with Alan and has alao revommended his skills. They just seem so delicate, im not sure id like to think of them bumping around in transit?

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Hatzi. ,


I have a set that I wrestled off a friend years ago. they are very nice but have not been made for RCBS for a long time, Ohaus still make a similar scale for the lab but offer no support (tried recently to get some info :( ).


Can be tuned up but ne thing to try is weight an 'exact' 40 or 50g item (say a bullet) then compare the weight using just the beam and the beam + the dial. If you are more than a grain out then there might be 'fun' in getting them to work.


No suggestion as to UK price - they are worth what you wish to pay for them!


Brgds Terry

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I got them yesterday and cleaned the dust off, tested them with multiple test weights and so far so good. They are big though and im not sure i really need them although the size and weight of the unit does make them less fiddly to use, no teensy fingertips needed on the 0.1gr balance weight like on the 5-0-5's, just dial away!

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