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Another all nighter


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We where out all night again last night started at about 10.30pm got home at 7.30am. We have noticed we are achieving greater results after midnight and the foxes are a little more curious and less likely to take flight at the first sign of trouble. We are now concentrating our efforts later in the night and having shot 32 foxes in the last four nights on keepered land it seems to be paying dividends, Anyone had the same findings.

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i went out lamping tonight and last night with my son and his airrifle after a few rabbits and to my suprise i seen 6 foxes it was a clear night and no wind at all so just for fun i thought i would see if i could call them in the first one could not come down across the field fast enough came right in too about 40 yards and stayed there for a long time all i could do was laugh and walk off across the field then i got up on the hedge a few fields over and there was 4 more sat in the middle of the field about 150 yards away so i tryed to call them in two they did not really want to no only came too about 90 yards as i turned around there was a fox sat looking at me no more than 20 feet away trying to get up on the hedge with me and the boy if only i had my gun but the smile on the boys face made up for it he loved it and it was only about half 7 at night

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After reading the first foxing book by Robert Bucknell, on page 127 there is a graph of a study that the Game Conservency had done on radio tagged foxes and the peak times for movement are 2hrs after sunset and 2hrs before sunrise.I try to be out after them just after sunset, (but haven't been out 2hrs before sunrise) and our success rate showed this, as the ground is lamped by another team too who prefer to go out later.However our last couple of outings have not proved to be successful (I haven't been shooting for nine months due to damaging my knee). The foxes are not hanging around once the lamp hits them,(the other team drive around, where my team walk).This week I'm in work till 9pm so if I can get out this week it won't be till around 10:30, so it will be interesting to see if things improve.



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Trust you Mark, should't you be out feeding up!




Raining here and all hoppers full. Now loading for week end comp

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i went out last night, 1st to main permission. not many bunnys about. see one fox which wasnt hanging about.

very poor night.


popped to a permission the other side of the city. only 80 acres of cut fields. pulled into 1st field. and a fox was milling about. wasnt bothered by lamp or caller. so i followed him in scope till he stopped and shot him.


allways seams to be alot of foxes on this little piece of ground. backs onto a little housing estate in the countryside. so guess the foxes love feeding in the gardens and bins.


they always seam well fed when i go pick them up so there tucking into something :rolleyes: had 14 in 10 outtings on there now and currently trying to get on some ground what borders it.

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You cant beat an all nighter, and we find we always seem to shoot more foxes as the early hours come around, 32 foxes on keeperd ground :blink: the few pheasant estates and farms we do if the keepers spots a fox he's on to us straight away, he doesnt beleave the saying you will never get them all, i try telling him you will always have a fox or two passing over the ground at some point, so a all nighter on different days does help to some degree ;)


Keep up the good work



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We where out all night again last night started at about 10.30pm got home at 7.30am. We have noticed we are achieving greater results after midnight and the foxes are a little more curious and less likely to take flight at the first sign of trouble. We are now concentrating our efforts later in the night and having shot 32 foxes in the last four nights on keepered land it seems to be paying dividends, Anyone had the same findings.


I only find this on heavily lamped/dog ground, the foxes seem to be jumpy early on the slightest call or hint of a lamp and there off. Nv and some bait soon sorts them out ;) 32 foxes on keepered ground in four nights is good going but I hope your using the term "keepered" lightly :lol::lol:

I had four cracking foxes on a new permission last night waiting 160yards from a sheep carcass with the .223 nv setup, was in bed by 10.30pm ;)

I wonder if the foxes you are getting later on are "outsiders" coming in to your patch for an easy meal? But every so often I like to be in bed early and go out about 3am untill an hour or so after dawn and ambush Charlie on its way home. Keep up the good work. Simon

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Yes perhaps the term lightly keepered is a bit more correct. Not seen any foxes pairing up yet. On my patch I have had 45ish foxes off 1500 acres for far this year, that figure just seems to rise every year.We have alot of public heathland on our border one side and a very big commcial shoot on the other. I can only think they are migrating over to fill the voids we leave each time.

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