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Very few fox while home


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Just returned to work after 19days at home had a few nights out but very very quiet on the foxes managed 1 fox one night and 2 another out of around 5-6 nights not even any eyes showing at distance.

My last night which was on the sunday before i headed back on the tuesday was icing on the cake 1st farm we were shooting from a barn i had a small tree between me and our foxpro caller set up in a field about 100yds in front my mate bill spotted a fox emerge from the wood and skirt along the wood/field edge right behind the bloody tree i couldnt move pos and as i couldnt shoot through the tree as there was sheep behind right where the fox was and decided that was unsafe we had to let this one go.

2nd fox we called was on a other farm coming in from our left heading straight to us but once it hit the hedges to our left it vanished ? may of smelt us and got off..we stayed put and carried on and luckily it came back about 30mins later again to my left dropping it with 50gn vmax.

3rd fox was again on another farm a good 200yds away must of smelt us as bgan to change route and head away from us so a quick shout stopped it for that split sec to send the 50gn vmax on its way.

4th fox was at a chicken farm where the farmer was having probs with a fox yet the night we went there we never seen any fox about..we sat on side of the hill with farm to ourbacks and called for quite a while thinking again we had been beat by this elusive fox when i spotted it over the electric fence in the other farm land where i also have perm to shoot, this fox as most do just sat there looking in our direction we waitied for 10mins watching before i decided to take the shot another at around 160yds.


So a good night to end my time at home with..we shot in total 6 fox letting one go,one of the foxes from the previous nights was big one must be one of biggest ive ever shot pic below..need get some scales and start weighing these buggers.



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Great result for you mate must have been good to do some chilling out and enjoying your time off,that is a good sized fox would have been good to see what weight it was

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