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Bisley Live


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Have any club members been offered the discount rates offered at http://www.bisleylive.com/bisley-live-clubs.php ?


Secretaries of all UK based Shooting Clubs will be receiving details of Bisley Live. A discounted entrance fee will be given to all members of recognised Shooting Clubs who wish to attend.



No clubs in our area have received anything other than a helpful advert from the NRA, and when I rang the ticketline they said that only NRA members were being given a discount. By the way, if you DO ring the ticketline LISTEN to the recorded intro, and tell the operator that you DON'T want your details ('phone number?) passed on to anyone else.


That said, I WILL be going along, and I WILL support this initiative, after all it's an excellent idea to get the two branches of our sport togeter.

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Bisley has its priorities all wrong. Instead of discounting tickets, etc, and trying to appeal to all things/people , non shooting, it wants to spend some bloody money on the ranges, butts, and most importantly, accomodation.


I stayed in a "house" at the nationals there, that was RAT infested.


I wont be going to the autumn action weekend, because, frankly, i,m sick to the back teeth of being ripped off. The gallery rifle fees went up , this time, and the attendance for the nationals was 25% down. The autumn meeting will be a ghost town.


I simply dont understand why traders would want to spend good money, paying to stand there, then let various people try rifles out, and then legally be left with a second hand gun to sell. :blink:

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I did not realise until quite recently that Bisley Live is not even being run by the NRA, it is simply being hosted at Bisley so the extortionate entry fee and 'shooting fees' are not even going to the NRA.

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If something isn't done at Bisley, like electing a team of people who actually know how to run a business, then its going to be curtains, and sooner rather than later.


I,ve looked through the rose tinted specs at Bisley myself, for a few years. I,ve finally realised that the place is in terminal decline, and it does not surprise me at all, that the secret inspectors for the olympics found it to be such a sheeitehole.


Continuing to assrape the people who DO use it, is not the way forward.


I did hear a rumour that the "trench experience" hut is to be demolished, and a travelodge built there. That would be a blinding move on Bisleys part, and i tell you what, they will get killed in the rush for rooms. Wish i had shares in it, if it happens.


Decent accomodation, food and drink, and toilets that aren't pre-war, and maybe people would start to use what is supposed to be "the national shooting centre"


The clay pigeon complex can do it....why not the rest of the camp ?


Oh, hold on....the NRA have nothing to do with the clays.....silly me..... :rolleyes:

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The "new" Chairmand Robin Pizer has been doing some digging - and it looks like change is very much on its way at the NRA

Resignations, people going sick - hmmm..

See http://www.nra.org.uk/common/asp/content/latest.asp?site=NRA

And scroll down to the NRA and Bisley AGM Minutes - normally extremely boring, but take the time to read through them -


The reported surplus for 2009 of £89,000 was in fact a loss of £185,000.

An organisation does not go from health to £600,000 loss inside 2 years. There are systemic

issues that go back a long way:


An organisational structure that creates inefficiency and confusion and lack of

accountability, which we are now addressing.


Financial accounting which is opaque to the Trustees and senior managers which is now

being fixed, one prime example being the management accounts which were near

impossible to reconcile against the budget.


Leases that have been poorly worded for years with a good deal of income foregone as a

result. These disputes are now partly resolved but we are looking to evict in some cases.


Bad debts that have been building since 2007 of which £148,000 are now recognised in the

2010 accounts but are still being pursued vigorously.


Invoices not going out on time, not going at all, or going more than once leading to

changes in the invoicing process.


A culture whereby senior management were not required to take responsibility for finance,

but rather responsibility was assigned to a Trustee which will be addressed in the proposed

new structure.


A culture that lacks any commercial discipline or proper levels of HR management which

will also be addressed in the proposed new structure.


You should also see the things Robin Pizer's put in place to counter the above - I think he needs our support !

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I'm afraid the two documents are PDFs in the page - http://www.nra.org.uk/common/asp/content/latest.asp?site=NRA so I can't add a direct link (probably my incompetence, but I can't find a way)


The news items are in date order, most recent at the top - and the date you're looking for is the 8th Aug 11. (The dates are at the bottom right of each news item.)

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The "new" Chairmand Robin Pizer has been doing some digging - and it looks like change is very much on its way at the NRA

Resignations, people going sick - hmmm..

See http://www.nra.org.u...st.asp?site=NRA

And scroll down to the NRA and Bisley AGM Minutes - normally extremely boring, but take the time to read through them -


You should also see the things Robin Pizer's put in place to counter the above - I think he needs our support !

Very much so Mike, it seems to be a national pastime to kick the NRA however the faces I see have always done me proud and I doubt you will shoot a cheaper competition than at Bisley. Without our concerted support the NRA will fall by the side.
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