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Intro to This Category

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Why this new section? Here's a scene setter:







UKV has grown to around 7,000 unique UK visitors per month (you can see the trajectory here: http://ukvarminting.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11233 ).


Several times recently, we've been asked whether members of the trade (or individuals trading privately) may place adverts on UKV.


The answer is 'Yes'..... to those who are prepared to assist with site running costs.






In terms of segmentation; the 'name' sites hit the interest groups that they're aimed at, be that air rifle enthusiasts, Quigley competitors or deer stalkers.


But UKV is exclusively about precision fullbore rifles and associated gunsmithing and kit.


Thus, there's a hidden 'force-multiplier' to UKV's segmentation that means that, for someone aiming at the niche precision fullbore market, UKV performs even more strongly in that sector than simple unique visitor volume numbers imply.


There is no 'dilution' by other shooting interests and any message here reaches 7,000 self-segmented precision fullbore rifle enthusiasts per month.






The online 'name' sites tend to charge quite large amounts for advertising (random open-source price example: "Stalking Directory" Charges £120 per year for 'Trade' Status and an additional £600 per year for a banner). UKV is much cheaper. UKV is targeted at Precision Fullbore.


There are 2 routes to sponsorship:


  • 1. The status is automatically granted to 'banner' sponsors.
    2. Approach UKV admin, request the sponsor status alone, make a [set] donation to defray site running costs.


Note: UKV is not a business and all sponsors simply donate to defray site running costs.







This is simply an 'info' post to outline this new step...more clarification and info to follow.

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