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Deban lamps


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I am after a new lamp and have seen the new range of deban lamps with the variable control. They appear very similar to lightforce but a little cheaper.


Has any one used one? Or are there any recommendations?


IMHO I don't think you can better lightforce for a corded light, Cluson probably for cordless gun mounted, so for a few extra quid I'd go with Lightforce, the only fault I find and it's the same with all lamps is that they always use the crapiest plug they can possibly find and they always fail. When I buy a new lamp I always snip the plugs off and just attach male/female spade terminals.


Just going off on a tangent and not wishing to hijack Scotch egg's thread but how do the likes of Deben get away with what I think is a blatent copy of a Lightforce lamp?



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I use a cluson at the moment and its very good but brother in law uses light force i really like it excellent adjustable beam and will go out to 500yrds easy. The only down side i have with lightforce are the filters and the way they let out a bloody awful glow around the outside of the lamp. its really off putting, mind you a good old bit of tape solves that problem! but sometimes its handy to just take it off and on while lamping.


Lightforce is my vote and next purchase.

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I use a cluson at the moment and its very good but brother in law uses light force i really like it excellent adjustable beam and will go out to 500yrds easy. The only down side i have with lightforce are the filters and the way they let out a bloody awful glow around the outside of the lamp. its really off putting, mind you a good old bit of tape solves that problem! but sometimes its handy to just take it off and on while lamping.


Lightforce is my vote and next purchase.



Better option than tape I find is a piece of inner tube streched over the lamp and edge of the filter cuts out the back light and you can whip it off if needed.



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