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At last another fox


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Well not much to say about this, i had just hopped over a fence and this chap walked out of some forestry and headed into a newly planted


As i found out he had stopped for a turd 140 metres away so i quickly got down on the bipod and sent a 105 AMAX into its neck.

Turns out he is the scrawniest tick ridden fox i have ever seen , i couldnt even bring myself to pick it up.

This is the first fox i have shot since i was out with foxshot.

I have shot crows from 180m to 270m but missed a 525m crow by 6 inches about 2 hrs previous to shooting this fox.


How do you chaps verify your drop charts because once i get above 240m i need to deduct around 3 clicks from what my chart says.





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Nice one John got my ticket back now so its just a mater of time before we can get out and test your rifle on long distance rabbits

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I had thought it looked like mange when i first spotted it.

The farmers son reckons it was on its way out with some type of tick borne disease.


Nice 1 colin, soon time to get sniping.


Thanks john, it was a long wait but well worth it.

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