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Fox in the back garden last night


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Got a call from the farmer whos farm i live on last night, apparantly a fox had taken 20 laying chickens the night before and i was going to get no sleep until he was dealt with,

I set out about 2130 with a friend did a few laps of the back garden (3000 acre farm :>) ) and didnt see anything except a few rabbits which we bagged, ended up opening one up and leaving it near where this fox had been spotted.

Did another couple of laps of the farm then went back to check, we shon the lamp and got a reflection back, it was about 500 yards away and i only had my Mach 2 with me so no shot there, we drove slowly towards the eyes checking sporadically to see if it was still there all the time i am thinking quietly that better not be a reflection from the dead rabbits eyes, seemed like an age but i stopped about 50 yards away and my mate put the lamp on and there was charlie like someone had told him to sit and wait, place the round in his head and he went down. been a while since i was asked to go look for a fox as we take care of them regular here but i forgot how enjoyable it could be what the anticipacion that i was lamping a dead rabbit and all lol

still on happy farmer

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Sounds good thats what its all about, if your ever short of rabbits Felix FISH cat food works wonders, put it out for two nights then on the third night you are guaranteed a fox.!!



Must try that!

Just got two cubs around my uncles chicken houses last night.

Useful tip, might try that and see if I can lure any more in.



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