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A Strange Night


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A strange night


I don’t usually post on here but I had a strange evening last night while out on one of my local permissions sat in a high seat overlooking a field of sheep with NV. The usual rabbits and hares hopping around so a normal evening as I usually try to get in well before dark.


One of the hares came racing across the field and sat right under the high seat so close that I had to look under the rifle rest down by my feet to see. The hare sat there for about 10 minutes staring into the field as if it was on guard duty watching over me, this happened while there was still some light left. About 20 minutes later I saw a smallish badger trying to chase down another hare, perhaps the other hare knew what was about to happen.


Later on I heard the sound of some form of confrontation in the distance coming my way across the field, this turned out to be a large dog fox seeing off a rather large Badger. This dog fox was snapping at the heels of this Badger as the Badger tried to escape with them occasionally stopping for a standoff for a few seconds as they made their across the field towards me. The chase lasted for about 200 yards and ended right under the high seat with a real fight !!!


The Fox then trotted back into the field to about 70 yards away where the 222 ended his days while the badger made his escape.


If this is fox will to take on a large badger the new born lambs stand no chance.


Is this normal behaviour for a fox I always thought it was the other way round and the badger was top dog, this is something I have never come across before with many years in the field.


Has anyone else come across this before.


Sorry no pictures



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Interesting account, thanks. I'm surprised too: foxes are built quite lightly whereas a badger is a stout creature with powerful jaws, and I wouldn't expect Brock to run away from even a biggish fox. I remember years ago seeing on TV some NV film of an urban fox being faced down and scared off by a large cat!


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Hi dogfox1


In all the years I have been dealing with foxes, I have found that some dog foxes are very, very territorial and will happily mix it with any interloper who dares to venture into their territory.


As for Badgers they really don’t have any natural enemies here in the UK, but I have seen them fight with other boar badgers and dog foxes on the odd occasion, but it’s usually the fox that comes off worse.


Many years ago I had a very hard male Lurcher who lived for the joy of killing foxes, he would go out of his way to get to grips with them, but on one occasion a big old dog fox gave him a real battle, but the fox paid the price for his courage.


I also have had Hares and Roe deer come and stand under a high seat that I was using, they seem not to sense the danger when it’s above them.


Once when I was doing a Deer control job, I was sitting on the ground rolling a smoke, when a hare came rushing along the field edge and sat within10 feet of where I was having a smoke! He knew I was there, but seemed to not be the slightest bit bothered!



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It just goes to show........You never know what you are going to encounter when you are out and about in our beautiful countryside.....It just makes it all worthwhile. :rolleyes:


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Fantastic account and experience, I too always be the hierarchy to be the other way around from my own observations, just goes to show that nothing in nature is a given.

Also proves the triple duece was top dog on the day :lol:



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I would of thought that the badger was on his way somewhere and he never flet the fox to be any danger,more of a pain in the arse a bit like a fly buzzing round your face.


Hi re'M'ington,


Well the only thing I say is that is that the speed the Badger fled across the field towards me and the ferocity that the fox was attacking, it was probably a bit than a fly buzzing round your face.


You must have some pretty nasty flies down your area.


Just goes to prove you have never seen it all.

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Guest tisme

The resident dog fox and vixen will be actively defending the territory if there are cubs about. Worth having a closer look around the area.


Nice report thanks



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