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was it suicide

Guest tisme

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Guest tisme

So there I was having a chat with a friend as the evening was drawing in. He had just arrived at my workshop on his BMW and was cold so had made a coffee. As we chatted I kept thinking to myself that I must put the chickens in, so told my mate and off I set to the sheds a few feet away. 10 minuets later, as I walk back he shouted "a fox" and sure enough 250 yards away was a red fox with a white collar around its neck. Aint you going to shoot it? he said. I won't have time to get a rifle out the house and ammo, it will be gone by then. Might as well try he said. So off I ran, opened both safes as fast as possible and ran towards where the fox was. I got to the fence 100yards away and their she was still sitting watching my friend who had now picked up my binoculars and was watching her back.

I loaded the only round I had grabbed from the safe and put the cross hairs on her. The next moment she was gone. As I walked up the hill with a bag to put her in I wondered why she had just sat there for so long.

Even this morning I still feel it a shame to shoot such a beautiful animal but very glad she hadn't taken one of my chickens or ducks and now never will.




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Guest tisme

i think she felt the way most of us do with the state of this once great country and just had enough,




:) I just wish they were all that easy

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Guest tisme

She would have killed the lot, then taken one or two, or more in a few weeks if she was hunting for cubs.




Is it already that time of yr for cubs. Where does the year go.

Do any of you stop shooting fox this time of yr? Or do you just carry on. If so do you try and find the cubs?

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Is it already that time of yr for cubs. Where does the year go.

Do any of you stop shooting fox this time of yr? Or do you just carry on. If so do you try and find the cubs?


Picked up 267 dead poults that had been taken to the release pen the day before, electric fence broken by deer, fox through pophole, so no, I'd never consider stopping shooting fox regardless of the time of year.

Rabbits, rats, pigeons etc. also have young but nobody seems to stop shooting them for this reason so why fox?

Cubs will fade and pass away through dehydration in a short space of time without vixens fluids.


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