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John MH

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Posts posted by John MH

  1. So had a play with my new Anschutz today with a newly installed EC V2 Barrel Tuner. I still need to work on my Shooting off a Bench technique but I'm sure I'll get there. Various brands of .22LR tested with some suprising results. All shot a 50m on open air range with a slight breeze from right to left. All Targets are 5 Shot apart from Sheet 1 Target 14 (had a misfire and then the round would not eject so had to hunt for a 'pick' to extract it) and Sheet 2 Target 18 which is 10 shots.

    Sheet 1:


    Targets 1 to 6 were Norma Tac-22, started with the EC Tuner Flush with the Muzzle and then wound in 1 full turn at a time as I progressed to each Target. I think the flyer on Target 2 was me, after 3 full turns in I shot Target 5, I left the tuner set at 3 turns in and then shot Target 6 (I should have called it a day at that point 🤔).  Velocity SD was 12.3 fps, Ave Velocity was 1061.1 fps. 

    Targets 7 to 11 were Eley Tenex with Targets 7 and 11 repeats of the same Barrel Tuner setting. Velocity SD was 6.4 fps, Ave Velocity was 1069.8 fps.

    Targets 12 to 17 were Eley Club. Velocity SD was 9.7 fps, Ave Velocity was 1051.9 fps.

    Target 18 to 21 were Eley Club again but a different Batch. Velocity SD was 13.7 fps, Ave Velocity was 1094.9 fps.

    Targets 22 to 25 (and Target 1 on Sheet 2). Velocity SD was 8.0 fps, Ave Velocity was 1110.1 fps.

    Sheet 2:


    Target 1 was the last group of Eley Match where I adjusted the Tuner to 2 1/2 Turns in to see if it made any difference to 3 Turns in (Target 22 Sheet 1)

    Targets 2 to 6 were Eley BR Outlaw. Velocity SD was 6.7 fps, Ave Velocity was 1098.7 fps.

    Targets 7 to 10 were Eley BR Precision. Velocity SD was 6.3 fps, Ave Velocity was 1104.1 fps.

    Targets 11 to 14 were RWS R100. Velocity SD was 9.1 fps, Ave Velocity was 1136.6 fps.

    Targets 15 to 17 were SK Match. Velocity SD was 6.8 fps, Ave Velocity was 1065.1 fps.

    Target 18 was 10 Rounds of Norma Tac with the Tuner reset to the setting for Target 6 on Sheet 1. Velocity SD was 11.3 fps, Ave Velocity was 1074.0 fps

    What did I learn? It is actually quite hard to shoot groups from a Bench, I'm not quite as comfortable as I would like to be but I can work on that. I think the Tuner works to some degree, it definitely affects POI and Group Size. I was getting tired by the end of the afternoon as I started shooting Groups at 09:45 with the last Group was shot at 14:31 (there were lots of stops to allow other shooters to reface Targets) so I think the last Norma Tac Group could have been better. The Garmin Xero works a treat.

    Next time out I will see if I can fine tune the Norma Tac and SK Match as that is what I currently have the most of, I may even have a go at sorting by rim size.

    Question, how do you measure .22LR Head Space?

  2. I've just picked up a 1710 and the 10 round Magazines are not easy to fill to capacity, the last round being difficult to slide in under the feed lips. After doing some online research I came across the idea of using Savage/Anschutz Magazines as these are easier to load being slightly longer in length. The Savage Magazines will not work without minor modification but it's a relatively easy task with a couple of needle files.

    Anschutz 1710 Magazine


    Savage Magazine


    Anschutz 1710 Magazine inserted


    Savage Magazine inserted


    The Savage magazine needs a little bit of file work to allow it to sit higher in the Magazine Well but is worth the effort as they are 2/3 slightly less (£39.95) than the price of Anschutz 1710 Magazines (£63.94).

  3. I was chatting to a Gunsmith on the subject of Barrel Tuners on .22LR Rifles and he suggested that whilst they do appear to work a Tuned Barrel/Ammo combination would only be good at one distance, i.e. if the Barrel/Ammo combination was tuned on a target a 50 yards it would not necessarily mean that it would be good at 100, 150 or 200 yards. Anyone have any experience of this?

  4. 13 hours ago, Charlts said:

    Mine hasn’t had the time put into it that I’d like, it’s been used as a donor rifle to keep other guns running as I’ve got a couple of other nice 22’s so it’s sat at the back of the cabinet for a bit. However it’s always shot superbly and there’s something about it that makes me smile!

    I’m on the fence ref adjustable headspace, but then I’m more of a shooter than a tinkerer and haven’t needed to alter it. It’s a really well machined bit of kit - Check out the crown after shooting yesterday! I’ll definitely be using it more and it looks like I’ll be teaching a mates son to shoot PR22 with it.

    One of my colleagues has around 10k rounds down his and loves it, it’s transformed his shooting. The Deuce is his first Gucci rifle and now he’s getting regular trigger time is improving his hit percentage every time out.

    Mine is the patriotic one and my colleagues is the bright one! 





    What Tuner are you using?

  5. First outing today with new Anschutz, know nothing about .22LR Bolt Action Rimfire but fired approx 150 rounds of 5 ammo types (SK Magazine, Eley Club, Eley Tenex, SK match and Norma Tac) on a target at 50 Meters. Best group was 10mm (centre to centre) with Tenex not sure if that is good or bad.

    Need to operate bolt smartly to get the cases to eject to the side and away from the scope turrets.


  6. 4 minutes ago, DeLaRue said:

    Good morning All….
    Whilst I understand that many shooters quite rightly complain as to the length of time some constabularies are taking to process applications & renewals etc; when it all goes well I believe you should say so too….
    I applied for a variation with the MET online on the 1st of February & received my FAC back on the 12th of February, that’s effectively 6 working days.

    I wrote to thank them & received a very courteous reply......👍

    I was not complaining.

  7. Just received my renewed FAC, submitted renewal application online in February 12 weeks before expiry. I did receive letter extending the expiry date by 8 weeks until end of June but the new FAC has arrived 3 days before the old expires. D&C seem to have caught up on their backlog.

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