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Posts posted by Kipper

  1. I've been looking about for a while for my 338lm but as it's not going to get as much range time as my other rifles it keeps getting put back on the list..

    I priced a savage 110BA stealth from McAvoy last week at £2200, they have good reviews. 

    I also considered the RPR but tbh I use one in 308 for a while on a range day and the butt collapsed out off adjustment about 15 rounds in which put me off and there retailing about the same as the savage.

    The savage is the cheapest best shooter if found through research so far 

  2. Picked one off theses up last night.  It's my first auto thrower so forgive me.

    After warm up and calibration it's still all over the place with charges,  will read for instance 44.5 and stop but if you remove the pan and place it back on the scales it will say 48.6 (which is correct) .

    I read online there very susceptible to mobile phones and light bulbs... are they really this sensitive? 

  3. I looked into it before for 10 shooters.... worked out a very very expensive day out so was a non starter.

    A probation period is normally and totally acceptable,  travelling 3hrs for a safety day however . If also just noticed on the application the probationary member must attend 6 times in the first 6 months ( no chance for me with work and other shoot commitments) and must attend 4 shoots a year thus after to keep membership or it will be cancelled and local authority notified. I might make 1 or 15, without a calendar I cant be sure. It's just not the club for me, 

  4. I approached a while back and was told I had to attend the Longtown range 3 times before I could use Eskdalemuir.. I live 3hrs away so simply would cost me approx £500 and 21hrs off driving before I even set foot at Eskdalemuir. 

    I've approached again asking for a shoot calendar as I shoot with multiply clubs and I only have one day off a week and want to be sure I could even make any shoots before I commit. I was emailed back with bank details, a form and informed shoots are posted a month in advance and I again I would have to attend longtown first. 

    To be honest it sounds like a great range but I'm not paying £100 to join a club when I've never even seen the range or I am confident I'll make enough shoots to justify it and I'm certainly not doing multiply trips to longtown for safety classes after 24years off shooting with other clubs and various shooting qualifications. I understand the need for new shooters but not for a FAC holder with a NRA safety card .. let's be honest if you have a 338LM or likewise then it's not your first shoot.


    I really want one and have the slot already, but it's a expensive piece off kit and a waste of not being pushed out to its potential,  I'd just end up resenting every time I opened the cabinet lol


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