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nights lamping with weejohn


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Got an invite from weejohn to lamp in his neck of the woods so met him last night and this was the result


The first area was a bit long and the wind direction was also wrong so off we went to the next area

john was using an amber filter i am no fan of filters but this combined with the dimmer switch work'd a treat and the lithium bat lasted all night and was light as a feather


The first fox of the night we saw would have given linford christie a run for his money

the second however was a diffrent story john gave a call and it came a treat with enough light to take the shot but not spook the fox down it went,there was another but due to the nature of the ground i couldnt get a clear shot and it made off

The next shot was my least favourite shot off a post a fox layed curled up snoozing should have been a walk in the park shot but i fluffed it and off it went


The next two were a bit easier the night was verry quiet so we had to go easy on these two these two were not intrested in any calling again the ground made things hard but with the light just lighting them up they were not botherd so fox 2 & 3 in the bag


The next bit was thick and fast one was spoted but again hard to see so took this one shooting of johns shoulder this one came to johns call that fast i bearly had time to get the cross hairs on it,while all this was going on there was hell of a racket to the side of us and like john said it sounded like a fox was geting raped fox 4 went down i thought the shot would have spooked the next two but i was wrong again just enough light to get a clear shot and not spook the foxs down they went yards apart


The last one was shot where we were parked no matter what john tried it wouldnt stop,i was so tempted to take a moving shot but then it stopd long enough to take it out No 7 in the bag by the end of the night i was well goosed but enjoyed it and was pleased with the result

A big thanx to john for the night



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top shooting lads. found it hard going round here at the moment. only 1 fox in 3 outtings ! the one farm we go on was giving us a good number last year. there about but very shy at the moment.


dont no why as they havent been shot at. well inless the farm help is having a blast with the shotgun.

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Nice going Lads.


I should think at that rate per outing you will be running oot o charlies in D&G scotland very soon :blink:





I havnt shot the ground for about 3 months because of having no rifle hence such a big bag.

We also done an extra loop round a bit of wood and picked up the last 3 with the nice shooting

from foxshot.


If anyone is considering spending a silly amount of money on one of the new 22ah lithium batteries

all i can say is do it.

Saturday was the first night out with mine and gave us ample power for 6hrs walking used with the 170 striker and fitted with a deben dimmer switch.

I now have a possible redundant 10ah lithium.

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