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Outing for the Lapua


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Had a chance to play at longer range yesterday. Went out with a farm manager/patient to help move stock, well that was the excuse..


It's all rolling farm country with patches of bush/scrub and ridges often spaced 6-700yds apart. Not many maggies this time but quite a few rabbits and heaps of hares. "Mad as a March hare" seems to apply if you add six months for being on the other side of the world. We saw several groups of hares chasing each other round on fully-exposed hillsides, begging to be shot.


Warmed up with three "pest birds" at 229yds and 236yds, holding slightly into the 6-8mph wind. The 6.5x47 had been sighted in on the nail at 200yds so no real need to wind up. I now know those 123gr Scenars are pretty hard, well a lot harder than most HP match projectiles, and you don't get the explosive effects on small game that I'm used to. An unlucky rabbit wore one at about 80yds as it crouched facing me- "unzipped" wouldn't be an exaggeration..


Collected a few rabbits for cat food and soon came across a group of hares on a far face, distances varying between 480 and 560 yds. Being in the market for the 500yd Club, the longer one had appeal so out with the iPhone and the Kestrel. Had Paddy calling distances through the Leicas while I lined up. Let one go and you could see the bullet splash about 6-8" directly above him. The hare ran straight towards us and stopped at 481yds so I came off a full 2 mins on elevation and 1/4min of wind. Let another one go to be greeted by a fluffy white butt sticking in the air. Still not the 500yds I need but we'll have to have another go soon.





Ended up keeping some of the hares for Paddy's dogs (that's 5 in the quad's footwell) and some rabbits for our cats.


When I got home, I had a think about the major elevation error in the Ballistic application on the iPhone- the strike was basically 1.25- 1.5moa "better" than the calculated figure. . I soon realised I was using the default G1 drag model, and by changing to G5, the figures look much closer. I really need to set up some paper targets at say 600yds to check it out. Will have a chance soon at our new fullbore range




PS excuse cruddy pics off iPhone

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Good luck with the quest for the 500 yard club. I'm sure it will come soon with the 6.5x47 lapua.

Looks some fantastic ground in the picture behind the quad.

Looks reminisent of here in Wales.

Sadly with us the nights are drawing in rapidly and the summer varminting season is coming to an end.

By the sound of things your just starting yours.

So good luck and have fun.


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Yeh, weather is supposedly on the improve Dave but pretty cruddy today. The farmers will be happy though with the extra rain as we're more drought-prone on this side of the country. You wouldn't know it looking at the pasture right now- here's a better shot




The four little cattle on our life-sentence block are up to their knees in grass but give it a few months and some dry NWers, they'll have caught up.



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In my part of England we have not had any decent rain for about 6 weeks, farmers are now holding off sowing winter wheat/barley/oats as the soil is currently too dry for the seed to germinate.



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Not as bad as Aussie- they can go years without it :(

Poor buggers, many farmers in NSW and ?parts of Vic had to walk off their land within the last couple of years



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Some nice shooting there buddy!!! :(;)

Looks like a great place to be and enjoy the countryside!!! :D

All the very best on joining the 500yd club!!!!!!!!!! ;) ;)

All the best.................


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Hi Chris,

Just been out myself this morning with my AI AW in 6.5x47 Border barrel,,

The first few outings were not very good and i must say that i was a bit dissapointed

Withe the groups,, 123 scenars and re15????


Now i am trying h4350 And the groups have shrunk :(

worked up from 38g to 42 ,,,41grains and 42 grains Gave the best groups so at least i am hapy now??


I intend to use 95 hornaday b/tips as my varmint load!!!!!

Got up to 3113 fps with a ten shot .461 hole,,,So these should be the baby,s


Did get 21 crows out of one field this morning with the hmr??? but when i got the 47 out, There was not one to be seen??? the little black B,,,,,,,,s


I seem to get the odd flier with the scenars so i am going to try some 120 amax, 120 smk

and some cci450 primers


Ten shot group re15 and 95vmax,,,,



All the best from Wales,, Darrel

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