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Out with the .270


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Well we managed another night lamping, this time I would be the shooter, Dan on the Lamp.


I had the .270 again as I haven’t had chance to sort out homeloads for the .222 after my intial testing.



We set out at 8.30pm, and all the fields have now been cut for Hay, so hopefully we would spot something having a mooch around. There was not a breath of wind and after half an hour of walking about we failed to spot anything. Walking up to the high point we had a good scan about but still nothing, and now there was a slight breeze, but still no sign of a Fox.


After 1 ½ hrs of walking around and no sign of a Fox, we headed back to the highground to have a call with the Foxpro fx3, Dan had a good scan about and then spotted a Fox lying down by an Oak tree, I ranged it at 515 yards, and after a while with the call on various settings the Fox wasn’t interested at all, so do we stalk it, or not??


After a little chat we decided that we would stalk it, so we headed straight towards it as the wind was in our favour, we got to within 150 yards but could only see it’s head, then he stood up and headed off, I whistled and stopped him at 154 yards, and dropped him on the spot.



My first Fox for a while, but happy that I got him.



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Nice one Kip!!!!!!!!! B)

Nice to see you still out and about buddy!!! ;):D

All the best.................


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