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nice evenings foxing


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after a day of reloading i have been itching to get out after shooting 4 foxes last weekend and seeing more eyes i knew they be sniffing around in this fine weather, things were looking good last night with a gentle breeze and a low 1/4 moon set out at around 9.00 and met my mate lee up the farm around 9.10 after a quick chat to say he had put some bones in one corner of the field .

got the tikka out of the truck and lee set himself up with the lamp i brought an orange filter with me for a change ,we decided to walk for a change as it was a nice evening , walked down the lane to the first field i spotted a fox with my nv mono sniffing the ground around 150 yrds uphill but went over a brow out of sight when the lamp was on , walked uphill to get into position and then spotted him in the next field with his back to us 100yrs away ,on with the lamp head up and bang one messy fox with half an head so no pic of this one :lol: but a nice dog was in the bag , after walking across the top of the hill lee spotted eyes down hill placing the dot on its shoulder it was down ,another dogfox shot . it looked a long shot of 200yrds but when i lasered later it was 166 yrds :) .a quick scan of the fields on the way to the baited area a fox just popped out of the hedge 60 yrds away seeing he wasnt going to stay for a chat i soon took the shot and it bowled over , a vixon this time with a very light brown /white stripped belly with white tipped tail . on approaching the baited area i looked through the mono to see 1 fox feeding got around 90-100yrds and lee put light on and the fox started walking off slowly bit unsure type thing :) managed to shoot it before it made the hedge ,nice healthy dogfox , then as i was filling my mag lee spotted a pair of eyes through a gate quicky setting myself up it stayed in the lamp pretty close at 80yrds and another hit the dirt another dogfox with the same belly/tail markings as earlier must be the same litter ? . setting myself up in the hedgerow i wanted to try my mono behind my dayscope as i get a really good crisp image and after 30min a flash of eye shine could be seen coming through the hedge , as soon as the fox presented a good shot i took it at 100ish yrds in the chest so happy with the outcome of the mono /scope thing ;) so thats 6 less ,having shot 41 foxes of this patch since april and 4/6 each outing they just keep on coming ,so top night all round really getting in at 12.15 for a quick cuppa , i have now set up a stealth cam over the bait now so will have pics with times they are feeding.

atb mark



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Cracking job there Mark , glad to see your getting into a few,

Dave came down to me late last night and we had a fair few on cut fields and he has invited me up to his place tonight as I am gonna try a new piece of kit out :)

Will let you know how we get on later ,

ATB Andy :lol:

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hi steve

lee started with 2500 pheasants which have increased to 5000 with 2000 partridge they are being pulled in all over, its only 200 acres but foxes are a major prob there as there is a cycle path near by which acts like a motorway for them to travel up from a large council owned valley .

mono is a gen 3 envis same as USAF pilots use for their escape/evasion purposes rate it very highly steve very small and light on a headmount at the mo.



good luck tonight andy

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hi steve

lee started with 2500 pheasants which have increased to 5000 with 2000 partridge they are being pulled in all over, its only 200 acres but foxes are a major prob there as there is a cycle path near by which acts like a motorway for them to travel up from a large council owned valley .

mono is a gen 3 envis same as USAF pilots use for their escape/evasion purposes rate it very highly steve very small and light on a headmount at the mo.



good luck tonight andy


Are you saying you have around 7000 game birds on 200 acres or have I missed something. What the #### do they eat ?


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