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End of deer season

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We finished our deer season on Saturday. (last day in Feb)

Three of us headed west after sika does. Early start, weather windy

and rain showers. Decision was to go to a low lying area. Not even 5 min from the car we

spotted a doe in in the gorse. We slid forwards to get prone (through the cow sh*te as usual), and ranged her at 225m.

I dialled and got ready as the heavens opened. The doe vanished. We backed out again and moved up the valley.

My friend spotted either the same or another doe further up, went prone and dropped her at 180m.

I was ready in case something broke out. A doe came flying along below us in the valley and I needed to quickly

get forward to not loose sight of her. She stopped below us at about 80yds. Dropped her with a high lung/spine

shot off-hand. Later on my friend managed a calf also off-hand at about 40yds.

Great last day, healthy fat animals all dropped on the spot. Was a good season.

pic is of one of the does.



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Thanks for the replies.


I'm also looking forward to the off-season.

I can now start thinking of what rifle I'd like to put together

for the next season. It will need to be lighter with a lighter

higher mag scope and just as accurate. Rifle must handle

like a shotgun, about half of the deer I shot this year where

shot standing off the shoulder without sticks.

Might get a few ideas at the IWA.



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Nice lookin doe there Edi,

She will be some good eatin too.


Is that one of your custom stocks I spy ?




Hi Pat,

it is our PSE stock in tac green.

We were also testing the new Roedale magazine system for the howa.

I was astonished that they can be fitted in a few minutes and work really well.

For deer stalking I'm not 100% convinced that a mag is needed, but for foxing or

rabbits certainly.


Apart from two tatty fallow deer I shot and two injured sika they were all in

very good condition. Sika were all very fat.



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