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Whilst out for a Walk.


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Went out with Ian for a walk last night. Thought i might catch up with a Buck, we got ourselves into position on a shooting table i built 3 or 4 years ago. Its nothing fancy just a table that enables you to get the rifle high enough to stay up out the long grass. The table itself sits high up on a valley side looking across and down a bracken covered valley. The Deer tend to come up the valley then break up and out into a grass park. When we got there at 8 last night there was already a Doe feeding out into the park. We got into the table and sat glassing the vast area hoping for a Buck to show up. It was not to happen but at 9.30 just as the light was fading a fox walked out onto the farside of the grass park. With Bruxies 22.250 i had a look through the scope. It was 300 yards to the edge of the field so gave it the required correction. The shot was on and a squeeze of the trigger later it was all over. It was good to see that the doe and kids were still feeding in the same park below the bullet flight path and hadnt disturbed at all.


On closer inspection the bullet had travelled slightly with the wind and had taken the fox further back than i had wanted, Proving that them V max heads do really explode on impact. If that had of been a hunting tip it might not have killed it quite as quick and may have just punched out the other side.


Went on to have a lamp and managed another fox on Bruxies own farm, another good 250 yard shot in testing winds.



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Sounds like a good evening.

It goes to show the importance of using the right bullets for the job.

Those V max are a great vermin bullet and do what the say on the tin.



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