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Grunt mini suppressor

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Hi everyone. I have been on this forum following it for a while. I'm in the States and I am waiting on the tax stamp for my suppressor. I have a 17REM that I am putting it on. Here in the States it is hard to get a suppressor much less the one you want, I could not find any dedicated 17 caliber suppressor's. I went with the "Grunt mini" by Innovation Arms because that was the only 223 suppressor they had in the store. I have been waiting seven months, so I only have a couple of months to go. I hope it will do a decent job in suppressing my 17REM. I am also in the process of getting my 222, 204 and 17 fireball threaded on the end so I can use it on them as well.


I'm assuming its not that difficult for ya'll to get a suppressor like it is for us here in the States?




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Correct-it has become very easy: in part due to "Health..at work' and European legislation.Gun licensing authorities accept the case for avoiding noise damage to the shooter (and others).They indeed often suggest a moderator,as a preventative option.One per rifle is commonplace.Market choice is considerable,and costs around $400+ for cf.Dedicated calibre moderators exist,but the generic "up to 224","up to 6mm" or "30+" calibre are more typical,allowing some dual use (as with your 'Grunt mini'



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Chief,yes the "223' suppressor will also moderate the sound from a 17,and the recoil-if there were any!

I've also used a 308 moderator (as we call them) on a 243 and it was fine.With proper measurement-my ears are not what they used to be before shooting-the efficiency may be slightly less,but I doubt that will be noticeable in use.The 17 rem does have a sharp bark,but it will be muted considerably with the 223 suppressor.Bullet clearance has to be there of course,but mods are still effective with an extra calibre's worth of clearance,at least-it's just a bit less efficient as the hole increases,simply put!



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I have a 20 cal moderator on my 17 remington and is certainly is nice and quiet. Quiet enough that I have shot a magpie from an upstairs window with no one else in the house noticing the shot. Couldn't have done that with my 308!

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