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New cans from ODL

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HI Guys ,


A company here in NZ , started making TI 3D printed cans 2yrs ago , of the reflex type , they where the size of a Coke can & very light , so short & fat , they have evolved from that design.


The company is called Oceania Defence Ltd , so if you do a search , you will find the website & have a look at the vids on their site , you will see a can for the Glock 17 , called UTU , its TI with a SS Neilsen device/booster/decoupler , watch the whole vid as psrt way thru you will see the actual 3D metal printer ( SLS , selective laser sintering ) .


The reason for this post is just to let people that are in the market for certain cans , that ODL are about to release a number of different models , and some maybe of interest to board members .


They are due to make a 308 bolt gun can , that mounts & locks over a brake , also a similar 338 can as well , so these will be QD locking models , so these are good for the precision rifles .


So ODLs line of cans is evolving from the simple Reflex design , to a more complex design , and putting more baffles in front of the muzzle , where they do hte most good .


Me I cannot wait for the QD 308 bolt gun can , as I think it will look real good on my old school PH M85 , it maybe perfect .


Also ODL has made a SS model , all the prevoius cans where TI , so this may give they a broader price range .


So in short IF you are after a can , wait till you see the new offerings from ODL .


Later Chris

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SLS , is just 3D printing using powdered metal & a Laser to melt the powder , it builds the item layer by layer , the table in the machine , drops a fraction each time a layer has been printed/melted .

A company in the US just built a complete 1911 pistol using SLS , to prove it could be done , BUT , the cost was about 6k USD , so its going to replace CNC machines & production lines for some things just yet , but cost will come down , and for certain parts , they are already manufacturing them using SLS .



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(One) company is "Solid Concepts',who have a 1911 whose parts are made by metal laser sintering of powdered metals.

This seems to include the barrel-things must be improving-which ,they claim,survives 20,000psi when fired.Hmmmm..... SAAMI is 21,000psi for 45ACP......I'll wait (not UK legal,of course!)

(1911 design as this is now public domain).Think $20,000+,though the Smithsonian will want/get the first,next 100 clones are $12,000.



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OK ,


The US civie suppressor market is closed to oversea's made suppressors , and so are the US made cans stopped from being able to send to civie users outside the USA , as they cannot be imported or exported .


The only difference is for Mil/LEO users , they can get oversea's cans IF they want TOO , most will not , and buy USA made cans .

Outside the USA , unless you are a friendly country , ie Nato , like Aussie Army , you will not ever get approval to get USA made suppressors .


So in short the USA , is a CLOSED market , when AU wanted to sell their cans in the USA , they realised they would need to actually have them MADE in side the USA , so they could be sold to US civies .


The Aussies , brought some Knights SR-25 rifles & the big long suppressors for them from the US , and that was for their Army .

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